Possessive Much?

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You fumbled to hold everything as you reached for the call button. The bustling street rushed behind you, horns honking, and loud chatter from strangers filled the air.

A buzz rang out before Yuji's voice broke through the intercom, "Who is it?"

"It's your favorite person ever! Here to return your camping gear," You smiled cheekily. Sukuna stopped forward and adjusted the way you were carrying the gear.

"Oh! I'll unlock the door! Do you need any help?" The door clicked and Sukuna opened it for you.

"No, I'm heading up now!" You nodded to Sukuna and slipped into the building.

Last night everything changed. You confessed to Sukuna, and he confessed to you. He hasn't been able to keep his hands off you. You didn't even sleep in your tent, you fell asleep in Sukuna's lap. All through the car ride home he wanted to hold your hand.

He can't stand being away from you in the slightest. His neediness has increased tenfold. Though you were liking his clinginess.

He's been kissing you every chance he gets. He loves devouring you, just as he's doing now.

Sukuna left his hand on your lower back as you walked over to the elevator. He used one of his other hands to press the 5th-floor button. He lingered close to you, rubbing small circles in a soothing manner.

"Sukuna, please remember to be respectful when I'm with Yuji," You looked up to the demon with a reassuring smile. Sukuna wasn't happy about this, but how could he say no to such a sweet face?

"Define respectful," His eyes bore into you with a sinister grin.

You furrowed your brows, "No pulling me around or saying anything mean about Yuji."

"Can I still touch you?" Sukuna loved your angry expression because he knows you aren't truly mad. You just look so adorable when you're like this.

You thought about saying no, but as long as he doesn't pull you back from Yuji, you figured it'd be fine, "Yeah, that's ok." Sukuna seemed content with your rules.

The metal doors slid open and you stepped out. You wobbled down the hall trying not to drop anything. Sukuna was amused at your attempts, though he stayed close to make sure you wouldn't fall.

You stopped outside of Yuji's door and Sukuna knocked for you. He slipped his arm back around you and clutched your waist.

You heard shuffling within the apartment before the door flung open. Yuji was wearing pokemon themed pajama pants with a white tee shirt. His shirt had some sort of sauce stain close to the collar.

"You're finally back!" Yuji cheered and scooped up the gear from your arms. You accidentally dropped some of the equipment but Yuji doesn't care.

"Have you left your apartment at all today?" You giggle as you move to pick up the fallen stuff. Yuji steps back into his living room and drops the gear onto the floor beside his couch.

"Nah, I have the day off, so I was just going to kick back," He straighten ups and quickly moves back over to you as you were closing the door. Sukuna tightened his grip on your waist when Yuji hurries over to hug you.

It irks Sukuna, to see him touching you, and to see you hugging him back. He wants to pull you away, to push Yuji back, but he promised he wouldn't.

He feels way more possessive now. Perhaps it was finally getting you that pushed him to make sure he never lets go.

Yuji pulls back and cups your face, "So tell me about it! Where did you go again? Was it cool?"

You could feel Sukuna's nails starting to dig into your side so you gently lifted your hands to cover Yuji's and pulled his grasp from your cheeks, "It was great! I went to the Hikawa camping grounds and I hiked a lot!"

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