Don't Leave Me

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"Hiroshi?" You titled your head in confusion.

You had gotten home from work not twenty minutes ago. Yuji had walked you up to your apartment and stayed for a little bit but he left a few minutes ago.

When you heard knocking on your door you had assumed it was Yuji and that he might've forgotten something. Your neighbor was the last person you were expecting.

"Hey! I know it's a bit late, but I just wanted to check in on you. I was worried about you," His smile was soft and warm.

"Huh? What were you worried about? I promise I'm fine," You tried to sound reassuring but it was hard.

"Well, you came back with that stranger the other day and you looked pretty drunk. I was just checking in to make sure nothing bad happened."

You furrowed your brows for a moment. You don't remember seeing Hiroshi when you came back with Satoru, then again your memory is a bit fuzzy. Calling Satoru a stranger felt odd, but it wasn't far from the truth either.

"Oh, I'm fine! That was Satoru, sorry if we were too loud or anything. I had gotten kind of carried away at the bar," You chuckled nervously.

"I'm glad to hear you're ok, and you weren't loud at all. That's why I was worried. I didn't hear anything once you got home. You look tired, I'll leave you to rest. Have a good night," Hiroshi smiled and waved before heading to his own apartment.

You shut the door and paused for a moment. There was something off about what he said but you were too tired and disturbed to really pinpoint it.

Sukuna scrunched his brows and pondered for a moment.

He doesn't remember seeing Hiroshi either.


It's been about a month since Sukuna first came into your life. You'd like to say that things have returned to quote-on-quote 'normal' however things are far from that.

He's made two more attempts on your life. You've become pretty good at spotting danger and avoiding it. You know whenever he disappears something bad is going to happen. Though this comes at a cost: you've never been so paranoid before.

Constantly looking over your shoulder, and never letting Sukuna out of your sight. Being wary of everyone around you and barely leaving the house unless it's for work. Yuji still walks with you, and whenever he's around you tend to relax more. You know he'll protect you from anything bad happening.

On the plus side, you began talking to Satoru. It started with an awkward 'Hey, it's the girl from the bar!' to Satoru now telling you good morning and good night every day.

He's tried to invite you out a few times but all the places he wants to go have seemed like death traps. Theme parks and the bustling streets of Shibuya- all places with too many opportunities for Sukuna.

So you've made excuses every time he suggests going out. Satoru's determination hasn't ceased though. If anything he's just growing in anticipation. He was with you for one night and you didn't even have sex, but something about your cute little smile was drawing him back.

"Yuji are you sure this place is safe?"

"Psh, yeah! It's fine!"

Leaves and sticks crunched beneath your feet as you walked alongside Yuji. He had heard about an old haunted cabin in the woods not too far from the outskirts of Kikkake.

Yuji just had to drag you on a two-hour train ride from your city, Minato, all the way to the middle of the woods in Kikkake. Apparently, some paranormal investigators did a show at the cabin and they were so scared they left and ended the episode early.

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