Hands Off, Pig

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You were hesitant as you stepped into the bathroom. You pulled some clean towels out and set them aside, then turned the water on. You waited for it to warm up as you turned back to Sukuna.

He's big, so he takes up a lot of space.

"Um, t-turn around now," You pulled at the hem of your tank top.

He huffed in annoyance and shifted around to face the door. He lowered himself and sat on the floor. After a few seconds, you caved in and began to undress. Your hands stuttered out of nervousness as you pulled your clothes off and neatly folded them.

After setting them off to the side, you set them on the counter next to Sukuna. He watched your hands enter his field of vision before you quickly pulled away.

You were hasty as you entered the shower, pulling the thin almost transparent, curtein to conceal you within the space.

You were grateful that for the duration of your shower, Sukuna didn't move. Your shower was much shorter than usual, it was uncomfortable being in there with him. Occasionally you'd peek out to check that he hadn't moved.

Eventually, you finished up and turned the water off. Sukuna continued to wait for you as you dried yourself off. You wrapped a towel around yourself and collected your dirty clothes.

Your voice was small and hesitant as you spoke, "You can stand up now." Sukuna said nothing as he stood up. The air was caught in your throat as you stood beside the towering creature. You clutched the dirty clothes to your chest and quickly averted your gaze.

Sukuna followed close behind you as you made your way to your bedroom door.

You paused before going in, "Are you going to stay in here with me all night?"


"Why can't I know why you need to stay so close to me?" He said nothing in response to your question. You pondered the option of repeating the question but decided against it.

After stepping in and shutting the door, you moved over to the dresser. You put your dirty clothes in the hamper and picked out a sweater to go with some pajama pants since your apartment was so damn cold.

"Could you turn around?"

Sukuna didn't appreciate the request but did so nonetheless. He found it to be annoying and a waste of time. Granted he felt that this entire situation was a waste of time. The sooner he could have his freedom back, the sooner he'd be happy.

Once you were dressed, Sukuna turned back around. He followed you as you shuffled over to your bed.

"Are you going to stay in here while I sleep?"


"Is it because of the proximity thing?"

Sukuna nodded. You chewed on your cheek as you climbed under the covers. Sukuna crossed his arms as he towered over the bed. His piercing scarlet gaze broke through the darkness. It sent shivers up your spine.

"Can you please turn around? I don't want you watching me sleep. That's creepy."

Sukuna rolled his eyes and lowered himself to sit down. He leaned against the bed and crossed his arms. He was so tall that a decent amount of his shoulders and back were above the edge of the bed. You rolled over to face away from him, and you curled up into yourself.

It felt cold, even though you wore fluffy pajamas and were covered in blankets.

You were too afraid to get up to get more blankets though.


"Whiskey highball please," The man across from you ordered. You nodded and hurried off to grab a glass and create the drink.

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