Reaching For Your Sins

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"Uno!" Yuji eagerly laid down a card into the discard pile in your lap.

"He has a red seven," Sukuna announced as he stood behind Yuji. You rolled your eyes as you changed the color to yellow with a wild card.

"Tch! Why would you do that?" Yuji pouted and drew a card.

"He drew a blue two," Sukuna crossed his arms. "He's rather bad at this game." You wanted to laugh. The only reason Yuji hasn't won is because Sukuna keeps telling you what he has.

"Uno," You placed down a card and smiled at Yuji. He had to draw again, allowing you to win.

"So unfair!" Yuji threw his hands up, "When did you get so lucky?"

You just grinned, "I have a little gremlin looking over your shoulder telling me what's in your hand."

Sukuna narrowed his eyes, "Gremlin? Really?"

Yuji chuckled, "Oh yeah? What cards am I holding?" He pressed his hand to his chest, but you already knew. Not that'd you'd answer correctly regardless.

"Um, a purple ten!"

"What?! That's not even a card!" Yuji face-palmed, "Those painkillers are going to your head."

"Psh, if they weren't then they wouldn't be working. All painkillers do is lie to your brain and say you aren't actually in pain."

"How do you know that?"

"My doctor Ieiri said so," You proudly stated.

You had surgery scheduled for tomorrow. It was supposedly going to fix everything and then you'd just be on heavy medication for a few weeks to finish out the treatment.

You were nervous. You were very nervous. Yuji was too, but he was doing everything in his power to keep you distracted and happy.

You looked sick. You had been losing a lot of blood because they have to drain your lungs every day. Your eyes looked hollow and your skin was pale. Your voice was hoarse and rough, you had tubes going into your nose to try and help you get enough oxygen. Wires hook up to you connecting to other machines, all constantly reading your vitals. You had an IV feeding you a numbing agent to dull the ache in your chest.

Yet you were smiling.

Sukuna moved over to your side and gently cupped your cheek, brushing his thumb under your eye soothingly. You leaned into his touch and sighed.

"I think I might be Uno'd out," You began collecting the cards.

"That's ok! I brought my switch if you'd like, or I can run and get you some McDonalds! I got permission from the nurses to give you outside food," Yuji helped in gathering the deck.

"Aw, you're too sweet," You giggled and leaned into your pillows, "Mcdonald's doesn't sound so bad."

Yuji checked his phone as he felt it vibrate, "What do you want? I'll run over!"

"I've never seen you so excited to leave. What changed?"

Yuji slid the cards into the box, "I'm not excited to leave you, but I've got a surprise for you." He stood as he felt his phone go off again.

"A surprise?" You grinned in anticipation.

"Yeah!" He lazily threw the card box to the side and hurried over to the door. He opened it and stuck his head outside. After a few seconds, he waved at someone and stepped back inside. "I'm not leaving you alone today!" He announced and gestured toward the door eagerly.

Choso stepped in and your eyes lit up.

"What are you doing here? Did you come all the way out here to see me?" You were beyond happy to see him, and he was happy to see you.

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