A Crown Fit For A King

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You guided Sukuna down the trail, pointing out the flowers you knew and stopping to admire the ones you didn't.

You didn't let go of his hand at all either. He moved around with you, tempted to fully grab your hand, but he was enjoying this too much to try and change it.

He loved how even when you kneeled down you held onto him. He didn't mind stopping often. He liked the way you talked about flowers, though he didn't care to pay attention to the words, only to the way you said them. You were so happy.

You were finally looking at him the way you look at Yuji or Satoru.

No, this was better.

Your smile was a little wider, and your eyes shined more. Your voice was sweet and excited, enthralled at the plant life on the simple trail.

Sukuna was truly enjoying himself. The forest gave him peace of mind, it brought back memories of when he walked this world as a human.

"Look! The flower field I was talking about!" You released Sukuna's hand, much to his dismay. In an instant, he reached for you and grasped your hand again. You stopped in your tracks, concerned. You quickly looked back at him, scared that something was happening.

Sukuna didn't know what came over him, but he refused to let go. He had that stoic look in his eyes, firm and serious. His hand clutched yours a little tighter.

Once your confusion left, you smiled.

It was such a tender and soft smile, one that made Sukuna melt. You carefully intertwined your fingers with his and slowly began walking again.

You understood then, Sukuna didn't want to let you go. You could process that much, but you couldn't quite understand why.

Sukuna's hand engulfed yours completely. It was difficult to hold onto him, but you realized that wouldn't be an issue because Sukuna wouldn't drop your hand. You relaxed and stepped out into the field.

The meadow was delicate and fluffy. The breeze gently followed through the grass like waves in an ocean. Dozens upon dozens of flowers sprung forth, fish jumping from the sea in an ecstatic frenzy. Shimmering scales of every color dashed forth in the sun, decorating the earth like Van Gogh would a canvas.

You stood at the forest's edge, the thicket wavering in the wind behind you. Sukuna looked down to admire the precious look on your face. It was one of disbelief, but also one of content.

It had been so long since you'd been out in a place like this. In a place so peaceful and wild.

A few birds chirped and flew overhead, cueing you to continue walking. Sukuna glanced around the meadow, but its beauty was nothing compared to you. He didn't care for the flowers, he only cared to adore you.

The trail became hard to see with the tall grass falling into the dirt path, yet you carried on.

The field was rather large, and it appeared the trail stopped in the middle, so to the middle you went. There was a small clearing, maybe five feet across, absent of grass, to signal you had reached the end of the trail.

You moved to the tall grass and ran your hand over it, still letting Sukuna grasp your other hand.

"Can we stay here for a bit?" You questioned softly.

"Yes," Sukuna answered bluntly.

There you stayed. You liked looking at the flowers and trying to identify them, or watching the various butterflies and bees make their rounds.

At a certain point, you wanted to sit, so Sukuna sat with you. You were in his lap, his legs crossed beneath him and you sunken back in the hole created by Sukuna crossing his legs. You fidgeted with a few small flowers between your fingertips. Sukuna kept his arms and his sides, propped up against the ground.

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