Handsome Stranger

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"Oh honey I really ought to take you shopping," Kugisaki dug through your closet. Scoffing at the collection of sweaters and comfy outfits.

"Not everybody has to dress like you," Fushiguro rolled his eyes.

You sat awkwardly on your bed, fidgeting with your hands in your lap. Sukuna stood beside you with his arms crossed, and a disgusted look on his face. Though, when is he not repulsed by your friends? Fushiguro and Yuji stood to the side and watched as Kugisaki continued her search.

She lit up, "Now we're talking! When was the last time you wore this?" Kugisaki pulled out a little skirt from the very back.

You blushed, "I haven't worn that in a very long time."

"Well, you ought to throw it on tonight. I saw a really cute blouse that would go with this," She tossed you the skirt and went back to rummaging through your clothes. You quickly stood and fumbled to catch the black material.

Once you had it in your hands you hesitantly held it up to your waist to measure how much it would cover.

It only went down to your mid-thigh. There was a reason you never wore it. You don't even recall why you bought it. Maybe it seemed appealing at the time but now you weren't so sure.

Yuji rested his chin in the crook between his thumb and pointer finger as he inspected the length of the skirt.

He smiled, "I think it'll look great! Kugisaki is great with fashion." Suddenly a white blouse was thrown over your head. You reached up and pulled it down. Kugisaki stepped out with a nice jacket in hand.

"Put it on, you'll kill with a pair of thigh highs too." She ushered the boys out of your room, shutting the door to leave you alone.

Except you weren't alone. Sukuna was still there.

"Turn around please," You requested.

Sukuna hummed in distaste as he did what he was told. He faced the door as you shuffled around and put on the outfit. Sukuna was hoping you had moved past this 'turn around' command. Such a waste of time for him.

You slipped off your pajamas that you had left on and tossed them into the hamper.

After you encountered Yuji this morning, he decided to stay with you. He was worried about your stressed state, and he wanted to make sure you were feeling better before he called Kugisaki and Fushiguro.

It was the evening now and the four of you were planning to go out and drink. Kugisaki wanted to help you look your best so you could possibly meet some new people. In her words, she'd be your wingman. Though you had protested, Yuji quickly agreed to also be your wingman.

You decided to let them go with their odd plan of finding you company because you assumed nothing would come of it.

You finished putting everything on then turned to your dresser to find some socks. Kugisaki's words were in your thoughts as you pulled out some black thigh highs.

Sukuna heard the sound of your dresser drawers opening and unbeknownst to you, decided to peer over his shoulder.

His eyes snapped to your ass again and he found himself enticed at how good you looked in that skirt. He swallowed hard and his eyes narrowed slightly. He shifted his weight from foot to foot before quickly looking forward again.

You slipped the socks on and moved to inspect the outfit in the mirror that hung off your door. You didn't say anything to Sukuna as you now stood in front of him. Turning from side to side to see how the outfit complimented your figure.

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