Not Yet

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A few weeks or so had passed, and Sukuna hadn't made any further progress. You let him hold your hand, and you still sit with him on the couch. You've let him start holding you at night too, but he's rested the urge to run his hands over you.

It was starting to really frustrate him. He's tried a few times to get closer and take things further, but you've declined him over and over again.

Sukuna would make a comment about bathing together again and you'd brush the idea off as a joke. He'd grace his hands over your thighs or throat and you'd put a stop to it, either by standing up and moving or by telling him not to.

He's respected your words, he still hasn't built the courage to tell you what he did to you all those nights ago. Sometimes at night, he'll be cradling you and he'll remember how he violated you. He holds you a little tighter on those nights.

He's afraid if he ever tells you then he'll lose all the progress he's made. He only has so many years with you, he can't afford any setbacks.

While he feels guilt for the actions he did, that hasn't stopped his mind from wandering. He replays the sound of your whimpers and pants all the time. Every chance he gets to watch you change he takes it. His urges have been getting more vulgar over time. It's getting harder for him. In more than one way.

"This makes no sense," You tilted the thin instruction manual in your hands, trying to inspect the illustrated step-by-step pages.

"Haven't you ever put up a tent before?" Sukuna scowled from behind you.

"Yeah, when I was a kid, but I haven't done it in years," You muttered and sat back on the ground.

Birds chirped in the distance, their calls echoing through the thick green forest. Massive trees towered over the small clearing you claimed. It was barely a clearing at all, more rather it was a gap between the trees.

There wasn't much brush around you, letting you see decently far into the thicket. The lulling sound of rushing water crept over the forest floor. There was a river about fifty feet from your campsite, splitting the ground in two with crystal clear water. So clear you could almost see the fish swimming between the slick rocks.

"Why would you go camping if you don't know how?"

"I do know how, and I have you, so I'm not worried," You smiled up at him for a moment before looking back to your instructions. Sukuna hummed and pondered your words for a moment.

He kneeled down and peered over your shoulder at the paper, then at the mess of tent stakes and fabric.

"Start here, this pole goes in first," Sukuna lifted one of the metal rods and with another hand, he gestured to the image.

"Oh! You're right!" You jumped up and grabbed the pole, working it into the deflated tent. Sukuna began aiding you, holding up pieces, and guiding you in what to do next.

He felt he had an obligation now. An obligation to help you and make sure you're comfortable. He's been thinking of ways to make it up to you for intruding on your body. A small part of him thinks that if he helps you more, then you wouldn't care that he violated you.

You were getting overwhelmed with work lately, so you thought a weekend away, isolated in the woods, would help.

Yuji protested, scared you might get lost or hurt. Yet you didn't let him sway you. You liked the isolation of the forest. Plus you weren't truly alone, Sukuna will always be with you, whether you wanted him to be or not.

So you rented a car, and loaned some camping gear from Yuji, as Yuji goes camping rather often. You drove two hours from your home to the Hikawa camping grounds. It wasn't terribly expensive either.

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