Close Call

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"Is this all for you today?"

"Yes ma'am," You nodded to the teller as you pulled out cash from your wallet. After you paid, you collected your grocery bags and walked out into the street.

"Do you have other errands to run today?" Sukuna asked in an annoyed tone. You nodded but remained quiet, not wanting to speak to him in public. It was past rush hour, so the streets weren't as busy as they'd normally be.

You thought about texting Yuji again. He believes in the paranormal and whatnot, but he said himself that he doesn't believe in demons.

If you tried to talk to him surely he'd just brush you off and assume you're crazy. Maybe you are crazy, maybe this is all a hallucination and you actually are schizophrenic. Perhaps you should go to a doctor and take medication.

Sure you've witnessed some scary things while with Yuji but this just doesn't seem real. You've been a lot calmer than you anticipated. After all, not even twenty-four hours ago you were munching on pizza happily with Yuji, denying the existence of such demons and ghosts.

You'd hate to burden Yuji with your problems. If his sunshine smile were to ever disappear because of you, you wouldn't be able to live with the guilt. He's your one true friend, and the idea of losing him or making him upset makes your heart sink into the pit of your stomach.

You stopped at a red light, the cars sped across the road in front of you. A crowd formed at the light, waiting for it to turn green. Light banter from the people around you snaked into your ears. You resisted the urge to look at Sukuna, merely assuming he was still behind you.

Time seemed to be moving so slowly as you waited. The bags in your hands felt heavy, weighing down on your shoulders. Sounds blurred together as you became lost in your thoughts.

The light turned green and your feet shuffled beneath you in automation. Not a second thought as you moved over the crossing. The thick white lines passed beneath your shoes.

Before you could reach the curb, you stopped. Your mind still a bit hazy from wandering, you lifted your gaze. Sukuna had moved in front of you and now stood still with his arms crossed. The crowd simply moved around you, hurrying to the other side.

"What are you doing?" The words left your mouth without a thought, you've already forgotten that normal people can't see Sukuna.

"You dropped something."

You furrowed your brows and glanced behind you. The crosswalk was empty, of both objects and people. You took a moment to glance around, but you really couldn't see anything.

"No, I didn't," You refuted.

"Are you sure?"

"I think so," You muttered and looked back to check again. Movement in the corner of your eye caught your attention.

Before you could tilt your head over to inspect it, someone grabbed your arm. You were yanked off the road as a distracted driver roared past you.

It would've been a direct hit.

Your feet stumbled beneath you, trying to catch yourself. However, the hand that saved you was quick, and strong arms wrapped around your waist, holding your back flush to their chest.

Your heart was racing as you realized you were almost hit by a speeding car. Your bags of groceries slipped from your hands because of the rush.

A familiar voice spoke from the body behind you, "Are you ok?! What were you doing?! You were about to get run over!"

You blinked back into reality and tilted your head up.

Yuji was looking down at you with fear plastered across his features. It felt wrong to see him like that.

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