Bathing In Sins

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Sukuna stood still. Watching the demon inch closer and closer. It was gauging whether it could attack you or not. When it realized Sukuna wasn't moving, the demon made up its mind.

It dashed forward, you screamed and buried your face into your hands. Curling into yourself.


The demon wailed in pain, and you covered your ears, keeping your eyes screwed shut. The horrid sounds of fleshing tearing and bones shattering filled the room. The screaming continued and you desperately wanted it to stop.

You sobbed, tears streaming down your cheeks and your breath leaving you. You felt lightheaded and dizzy. Your heart was running from you, racing so fast you were terrified that you wouldn't be able to catch it.

You flinched as a cold liquid splashed over you.

Then just as fast as it had started, it ended. Silence covered the room. The only noise came from a steady drip.

When you opened your eyes, you froze.

The sight before you was grotesque. The creature was nothing more than a pile of organs and flesh, mushed up as if it went through a blender. Bones stuck up from the pile, some snapped clean in half while others were more splintered. Blood decorated the floor and the nearby walls like someone had spilled a can of paint.

Sukuna stood in the middle of it all. His fists were drenched in the crimson liquid, and it glinted menacingly in the faint light. The fluid covered his stomach and chest as well.

His scarlet eyes watched you with disbelief.

Sukuna is under no obligation to protect you from death. It's the fine print writing in the binding vows. He has the power to ignore any command given to prevent your death. He recalls when you first requested something similar.

Well, I command you to not try and kill me.

No promises.

No promises. That was his reply. He could've chosen to ignore your command. He could've let you be devoured by this demon. He could've been free.

So what compelled him to intervene?

He hated the thought, but at this point, he felt there was no denying it. The way his chest had started aching as you cried for help. Something about you looking so defeated and scared, so genuinely afraid. It made his stomach churn uncomfortably.

It was a similar distaste he felt when he sees you with Yuji or when you had brought home Satoru. He thought he was just annoyed that he had to deal with more pathetic humans. But that wasn't it. He sees that now.

The realization hit him like a truck.



Sukuna thought back to those times he wanted to touch you, and how it was so obvious then. Yet above all else he was frustrated. He was frustrated that a little human had garnered his attraction, but you weren't going to live for very long compared to him.

The idea of you getting hurt and dying suddenly terrified him, and he realized it's always terrified him, but he was blind to it before.

"Get up," Sukuna moved over to you, and you jolted as he wrapped his hands around your arms. You said nothing, eyes wide, and face pale. Your legs were shaking so badly that you couldn't really stand on your own.

The cellar doors crashed open, light flooding the room as Yuji came barreling in.

Sukuna held onto your arms tightly, not wanting to let go, yet when Yuji hurried over he was forced to step back.

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