Just A Taste

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A/n: I just wanted to drop a note here after receiving a lot of negative comments on this part. For one, there is not only a warning at the top of the chapter but a warning in the description of the fic that states there will be rape/ non-con. If you don't like that kind of content, do not ignore the warnings for it. 

Secondly, I write to cope. This is not me normalizing or fetishing rape. This is me writing to cope with personal trauma. So those of you who have literally sent me death threats, please stop. I will simply delete and block any commenters who feel the need to threaten me or others over a piece of fiction. 

Thank you to the kind people who leave lovely messages and comments, I love you all so much <33


"That was way more difficult sober," You muttered as you stepped into the elevator.

You had just returned from your lunch date with Satoru and you were frustrated with yourself. You've always struggled in social situations, and you started to wonder why it had been so easy the day before.

"What a waste of time," Sukuna huffed. You leaned on the wall as the elevator began going up.

"It wasn't a total waste of time, I mean, he seemed like he was enjoying himself. I think," You doubted your own words but thinking about the date just made you cringe at yourself some more.

Sukuna's patience was running thin for the day. Though something about the way you struggled to keep up the conversation entertained him.

The entirety of last night he kept thinking about the way you talked so naturally with Satoru, and today reassured Sukuna that you were much too incompetent to get any closer to the brat.

You hadn't let Sukuna touch you last night, but that didn't stop him from running his hands all over you once you fell asleep. He's figured out the best ways to do it without waking you up. It's becoming an addiction for him. Though it never feels like enough.

The metal doors slid open and you walked out into the hallway. You pulled your keys from your pocket and brought them up to the lock.

You struggled for a moment, the mechanism seemed stuck. You were already upset at how the date went and this nuisance of a lock wasn't helping your mood.

You heard a click, but it wasn't from your door.

You peered up and saw your neighbor Hiroshi stepping out of his apartment. He locked eyes with you and smiled.

"Hey," He greeted warmly, turning to close his door behind him.

"Hello," You replied as you forced a smile. Hiroshi pondered your expression for a moment. It was obvious to him that you were not very happy right now.

He offered a lop-sided grin, "Sticky lock? Here, let me help."

"Oh, thank you," You were a little surprised at his offer to help, he looked like he had been in a rush to get out of his apartment. He walked over to you and extended his hand. Only then did you notice he was holding a little food container.

"Would you like some cookies? I made too many and I was going to offer them to my coworkers but you look like you could use them more. They'd make a nice treat after dinner," He chuckled.

"Is it that obvious?" You defeatedly slouched your shoulders.

"What happened? Just a bad morning or...?"

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