The Foolish Demon

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"Can we take another break?" You coughed and pulled on Sukuna's hand.

"We just took a break," He turned to look at you.

"Just a short one, please?" You begged, your legs were feeling all kinds of sore right now.

"Fine," Sukuna glanced around but didn't see a good spot for you to sit, so he lowered himself to the ground and motioned for you to come closer.

You plopped down dramatically into his lap and took a deep breath in, "Much better."

"Don't get too comfy, I won't carry you if you fall asleep," Sukuna warned, though he liked the thought of carrying you around while you slept.

"Psh, I wouldn't let you, I want to finish this on my own. It's just going to take a minute alright?" You smiled up at him but he didn't look all that amused. Then again he never really looks happy. He always has that bored or angry expression.

You shut your eyes and leaned against him as you steadied your breaths.

You listened to the sounds of the forest. The trees creaked and groaned in the steady breeze that only grew stronger by the hour. The dense leaves shielded you from the blistering heat. You've always wondered how the day could be so hot yet the night be so cold.

The flowers swayed against the wind, and you listened to the grass and ferns brushing against each other from the force of the breeze.

A minute or so went by when suddenly a stick snapped in the distance. You quickly shot up in fear and Sukuna instinctively wrapped his arms around you. He snapped his attention to the source of the sound.

Through the buzzing of the bugs and chirping of the birds, soft footsteps could be heard. The plants rustled out of the way.

Sukuna's grip tightened and you pushed yourself further back into him. You felt your heart beating out of your chest as the footsteps neared even closer. Your hands fell to clutch Sukuna's forearm that was holding you against him.

The footsteps neared even further, anxiety crawled up your spine.

"Sukuna," You breathed out quietly.

"Don't move," He ordered sternly.

You found yourself holding your breath as the footsteps approached the edge of the trail a few feet away from you.

From the shadows of the ferns, a young deer stumbled onto the path. You gasped in awe and released your tight grip on Sukuna, except he didn't let you go. The deer was merely a fawn, with faint traces of white spots still scattered around the light brown fur.

It turned its head to you and tensed. You remained perfectly still, staring into the dark round eyes with curiosity. Sukuna looked down at you and admired the way you adored the small animal. You looked so cute as you watched the fawn.

You flinched when the small deer stepped closer to you, reaching its head out to sniff the air around you. It was trying to determine if you were a threat or not. The young deer probably hasn't seen many people before.

You wondered where its mother was. You tried to listen for more movement in the brush but nothing came of it.

The young fawn bobbed its head ever so slowly, gauging you. Inspecting you.

"Its mother is back there," Sukuna slowly lifted one of his hands and pointed back down the path behind the fawn. You tilted your head to follow his gesture. You gasped softly seeing the much larger doe standing further down the path.

Its fur was thicker and darker, and it moved with grace. The doe began walking closer to rejoin the fawn.

Sukuna enjoyed the little gasp you had done. The sounds you make when you're surprised or happy are so subconscious and he adores them. You're so expressive, it's adorable.

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