Back Where You Started

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You were tired and sore. You were supposed to be out of bed an hour ago but you couldn't bring yourself to roll out of the sheets and get dressed. Instead, you buried your face into the crook of Sukuna's neck and shut your eyes again.

Sukuna had his arms wrapped around you, one hand playing with your hair while the others massaged various parts of your body. It was relieving, especially with the ache you were feeling.

You don't remember when you had gotten to bed last night. In fact, you don't remember when you fell asleep. Sukuna really did have a lot of energy, he hadn't even broken a sweat by the end of it all. His stamina is ungodly.

Your stomach growled hungrily. You would've eaten breakfast by now but you had decided to sleep.

Sukuna's low voice rumbled in his chest, "You should get up to make some food."

"Five more minutes," You whined, curling up further into Sukuna. He had cleaned you and himself up after your activities last night, so he was wearing his sirwal again. Though you were too tired to really get dressed so you had just thrown on an oversized night shirt that fell to about your knees.

"You need to eat, especially after last night," Sukuna teased softly.

"Why can't you make the food?" You rubbed your eyes as you pulled back slightly from him.

"I can't leave your side," He reminded you. While your kitchen really isn't that far away, it's unpleasant to have even that much distance between the two of you.

"Not even that far?" You pouted as he shook his head. You let out a deep sigh and pushed yourself against his chest again. "That's so lame."

A knock at your door startled you. You groaned and contemplated not answering. Until you heard the lock click. You sat up quickly, too quickly, causing your head to spin violently.

"Hey, is anyone home?" Yuji's voice called out and you fell back in relief.

"Good morning Yuji," You called out in a tired voice, pulling the blanket higher as you heard his footsteps approach your bedroom door. Sukuna pulled you tighter against him. You only had a nightshirt on and Sukuna did not want Yuji to see anything.

Though he's already seen most of you. You two grew up together. It wasn't uncommon for the two of you to change in the same room and whatnot. Yuji usually looked away out of respect once he got older, and you did the same.

"You're still in bed? Did you drink last night or something?" Yuji smiled as he came over to stand beside you. He lifted his hand to your forehead to feel your temperature.

"Hm? No, I just stayed up late," You huffed.

"Doing what?" Yuji pulled his hand back, a little concerned that your skin felt hot.

"Watching movies," You lied. You were getting better at lying. Not that it's a good thing to improve at but with Sukuna around it's a skill that would be handy.

"Right," Yuji chuckled, "I'll make you some breakfast then."

"Why'd you come by?" You yawned and tried to sit up but Sukuna kept you pinned down.

"Well I wanted to hang out today, but you seem like you need to wake up a bit more before I drag you outside," His grin was so warm and comforting. You adored it, and you thanked him for his kindness as he turned to wander into your kitchen.


"You were so right about this," You hummed as you walked next to Yuji down the busy market street. Sukuna was holding your hand tightly as you made your way through the crowd.

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