Conflicted Feelings

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Your skin was red and irritated from how much you were scrubbing at the blood. It had washed off easily but you felt so disturbed and disgusted. You wanted to wash it all away but no matter how much you scrubbed, you couldn't wash off the guilt. You had another difficult breakdown in the shower after rubbing your skin raw.

Eventually, you just filled the bathtub and laid down in the warm water. Your eyes were red and dry from all the crying, but no more tears came down, you were all out.

Your arms were crossed over your chest and your head laid back against the tile wall. Sukuna sat on the floor beside the tub, facing you.

Your voice was hoarse and sore, "Sukuna, please don't ever do that again. Don't kill anyone else." Sukuna's scarlet eyes scanned over your face. You didn't look at him directly, instead, you stared off into space. He didn't say anything. You felt so defeated, "Please Sukuna, I'm begging you."

I'm begging you.

Sukuna shifted in his spot slightly. He liked the idea of you begging, but you just sounded so weak. He felt that ping in his chest again.

He let out a deep breath, "Fine. Unless you command me otherwise." You sighed and sank lower into the water, closing your eyes in the process. A sense of relief washed over you. A long moment of silence came between the two of you. It wasn't necessarily uncomfortable, but it wasn't comfortable either. Sukuna cleared his throat and spoke in a low tone, it wasn't mean, it was just quiet, "Does that happen often?"

"Hm?" You hummed, asking for clarification while keeping your eyes shut.

"Do people follow you home from your work often?"

"Occasionally. I usually have Yuji pick me up."

Sukuna made a disgruntled expression at the mention of Yuji, "Why would you date such an incompetent swine?"

"Don't call Yuji a pig, and we're not dating. I just have him pretend to date me so people will leave me alone."

He took a second to process this. A feeling of relief knocked at his head but he was confused as to why he would feel relieved by such news. He pushed the thought away, and you two returned to silence.

After a while longer your water started getting cold so you decided to get out. You didn't pay any mind to Sukuna as you stepped out of the tub next to him.

Sukuna on the other hand watched you keenly. He watched the way the clusters of foam bubbles slid down your hips, caving into the dips and expanding around the curves. The temptation to touch you crossed his mind.

It was a strong urge, he wanted to squeeze the plush skin of your thighs. He wanted to trace over your little scars.

His mind quickly wandered further.

You're so close to him. Standing right next to the monster as you grabbed a towel and ran it further over your body. Collecting the suds and any lingering drops of water.

Sukuna felt his mouth go dry and he narrowed his eyes slightly as thoughts of pinning you beneath him swam in his mind. He pictured what your face would look like lost in pleasure. He imagined the heavenly sounds he could elicit from your pretty mouth.

He blinked and cursed at himself internally for allowing himself to think such things of a pathetic little human.

You wrapped a towel around yourself, hiding your body from Sukuna's view. A ting of disappointment struck him as he stood and followed after you.

Sukuna found himself standing closer than normal as you dug through your dresser. You tossed your towel into the hamper and picked up a soft sweater. You lifted it to slip it on, following it shortly after by putting on a pair of warm pajama pants.

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