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"Thanks! Have a good night," You waved to your coworkers as you slipped out the front doors.

The city was dark, clouds blocking out the moon and dull street lamps lighting the way. You were used to the dark ambiance, but that doesn't mean you feel comfortable in it.

"All set to go home?" Yuji happily questioned from beside you.

"Yep!" You were relieved the night was over. Not that it was a bad night, but you were tired and wanted some sleep.

It's been a few weeks since Hiroshi tried to break into your apartment, and you were still none the wiser about the whole ordeal. Sukuna has continued to secure your door with the chain every night, and while he has returned to sleeping in the bed, he hasn't laid a finger on you.

He's still nervous about touching you when you're asleep. He lets his mind wander though. He likes to think about your cute little smile and the way you would curl up so nicely in his arms if he were to hold you again. He likes to imagine the day when he can hold you close while you tell him stories or rant about something bad that happened.

Sukuna isn't terribly fond of how soft his thoughts are when it comes to you. They had started out so vulgar and they still are. He basks in the memory of tasting you, groping you, hearing your little whimpers, all for him. Yet he also enjoys the idea of simply spending time together. Time where you are actually happy with him.

"How was work tonight?" Yuji buried his hands in his pockets, seeing as it was getting cold out recently.

"It was alright, a few snobby customers but nothing I couldn't handle," You pulled your jacket a little tighter as a chilly breeze picked up.

Sukuna still despises Yuji, but he's noticed that when Yuji takes you home, Hiroshi avoids you. Well, Hiroshi is more avoiding Yuji, but it's all the same.

You had to return the cookie tin at one point, and Sukuna suggested Yuji do it. He had been so adamant that you caved in. Yuji didn't mind doing it one bit, and that was the end of that.

The guilt that plagues Sukuna's mind has only gotten worse. You've been acting more kind to him. You've made it a habit now to cook extra food for him and you've even started having him taste-test new recipes.

He loves standing in the kitchen with you as you hum along to whatever music you have in the background, sometimes you'll subconsciously sway your hips to the rhythm too. Sukuna eats it up. He thinks about how miserable he had made you when you first summoned him.

The guilt wasn't just from intruding on your body, but from trying to kill you as well. Sure, at the moment he didn't regret it, but now he wonders what things would be like if he had succeeded.

"Did you win much at the arcade?" You peered over at Yuji, clearly enjoying your conversation with him, as you always do.

"Tch! You should've seen this one game, it was totally rigged!" Yuji pouted.

You giggled, "If you found out it was rigged why would you keep playing it?" Sukuna loved your laugh. It had him lingering closer to you.

"Well, I mean, I don't know! I wanted to win," Yuji's pout softened into a smile, "Hey how are things with the Satoru guy?"

Satoru. Sukuna scowled at the name.

Satoru had asked for another date, and you obliged. He took you to some little bakery and he bought you a ton of sweets. It was still awkward at the start, but towards the end, you were starting to relax.

"It's actually going well," You pondered for a moment, "Well, I think it's going well. The last date he took me on was nice, he was really sweet."

Yuji gasped and leaned closer to you, "Ooo? Is that so? Did you guys kiss yet?"

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