White-Haired Brat

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"That's e-enough of that," You stood abruptly. Water splashed from the sudden movement, and droplets rushed down your skin.

He liked how worked up you looked. Your flustered state amused him. While he was a bit disappointed that you left, his mind was still buzzing from excitement.

He thought about how he had liked seeing you all paranoid and stressed, but this sight made him way more excited.

He watched you hastily grab a towel and start drying yourself off. Sukuna stood as well and pulled the drain from the tub. The water was a bit murky with a reddish-brown color, probably from the blood.

You heard him step out right behind you, and without looking, you held up a towel to him.

Sukuna hesitated as he grabbed the towel from you. It was much too small to wrap completely around his waist, so he just started drying himself off. You covered yourself and collected the dirty clothes, including Sukuna's sirwal. You were a bit surprised in picking up that you couldn't feel much blood on it. It actually seemed rather clean.

You blindly handed the cloth to Sukuna, and he was disappointed a bit to put them back on. He supposed he was hoping for something else.

Though he knows he shouldn't push you much, considering everything that's happened today.

You moved into your bedroom and Sukuna followed, now wearing his clothes again. You slipped the towel off and put on your pajamas. A loose sweater and flannel pants were your choice since they were comfy.

You moved over to your bed and peered back at Sukuna as you lifted the blankets.

You chewed your lip nervously, "You'll sleep in bed with me, right?"

He nodded and stepped around to the other side. He waited for you to get comfy under the covers before he slid in beside you. Your bed wasn't huge. Though it was big enough for Sukuna to lie down in a mostly comfortable way, but he was awfully close to you.

You had your back to him as you reached for the bedside lamp, flicking it off and letting the darkness fall around you. The only light came from behind the curtains, the lights of the city were trying to peer through the black fabric unsuccessfully.

Sukuna felt your body heat again, and he basked in it. Your back was very lightly brushing against his chest. He wanted to grab you, but he was concerned you might kick him out of the bed.

The white noise from the fan was the only sound, to you. Sukuna on the other hand was busy listening to your steady breaths, and he could feel your heart beating faster than normal. You were nervous, but it wasn't because of him.

"Sukuna," Your voice was small and anxious.

"Hm?" He hummed, urging you to continue.

"Can demons appear anywhere?"


You curled up and wrapped your arms around yourself, "Even in here?" Sukuna pondered for a moment. Technically the answer is yes, but the chance of another demon coming into your apartment while he's here is incredibly slim. He's powerful, he's the King, and any other demon that dares to enter the King's territory is either overly cocky or just plain stupid.

But Sukuna didn't want you to know that. Sukuna wanted you to seek his protection. Sukuna wanted you to need him.

"Yes, even in here," He spoke with certainty and it made you nervous, just as he'd hoped it would.

"Will you keep them away?"


"Other demons."

Sukuna shifted closer, seeing his opportunity. You held your breath as his lower arms wrapped around your waist and his top snaked over your chest. He pulled you back flush to his body.

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