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"Not fair! That was totally my point!" The arcade machine rocked slightly as Yuji lurched forward, moving his joystick in the process.

"Ha! Come on Yuji, you can do better than that," You cackled and mashed the buttons harder. The two of you were shoulder to shoulder, eyes focused on the pixelated screen before you. The two characters brawled head to head in a street fighter-style game.

"Since when did you get good at this game?!" Yuji furrowed his brows and leaned in closer.

"Maybe you just got worse," You giggled.

"Oof ouch!" Yuji pouted as the defeat screen flashed on his side. He smiled, not actually upset about the loss, "What do you wanna play next? Are you hungry? We can get some lunch if you want."

"I could eat," You shrugged.

"Oh! Wait! Sorry, before we do that I almost forgot, I'm supposed to meet someone soon."

"Oh? Who are you meeting?" You tilted your head and began to follow Yuji out of the arcade.

"You'll see!" Yuji grinned.

Sukuna was still riding his high from yesterday when you let him hold you in his lap. You ended up falling asleep with him, and he stayed up all night keeping you close in his arms. He liked brushing your hair behind your ear and watching you sleep ever so peacefully.

He inspected the visible scars some more, hoping that they were merely from your own mistakes and not from other people.

A thought had come to him as he sat there with you. It was one he was afraid of thinking about if he was honest with himself.

He's allowed himself to get attached to a little human, who he will outlive by centuries. He knows your fragile stature will only get you so far.

Sukuna didn't like to think about losing you, but he knows it's inevitable. He doesn't really have you to begin with. You've merely allowed him to hold you, but you've said nothing more to him about it.

When you woke up this morning you were alarmed that you were still with Sukuna, but the shock didn't last long. It felt normal almost, and you carried on as you always do.

"He should be down here somewhere, I forgot that's the whole reason I asked you to come to the arcade with me," Yuji chuckled to himself.

"You scatterbrain," You lightly punched Yuji's shoulder. Sukuna stood behind you, staring at your hand as it swayed by your side. He was feeling needy again. He fought against the urge to hold your hand. He pictured his fingers intertwined with yours, keeping you nice and close.

"I'm the scatterbrain? Have you seen yourself?"

"Psh! Maybe we both are."

Yuji took a minute to admire your smile, "You seem happier lately."

His statement was out of place, but you welcomed it, "You think? I guess I am feeling pretty good today."

"Just a good day or did something happen? Is stuff heating up with Satoru?"

"You seem awfully invested in my relationship with Satoru."

Yuji gasped, pushing his hands against his cheeks, "Relationship?! So something did happen!"

"What?! No! A relationship can refer to friends too you know," You crossed your arms and tilted your head away from him in embarrassment.

"Yikes, are you friend-zoning him?"

"I don't know honestly, I'm not sure what I want with him," You shrugged, sticking close to Yuji as you weaved through a thick section of the crowd.

"Just be careful, yeah?" Yuji nudged you as you came out to a quieter part of the building.

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