Princess - Minho

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I've been in the glade for a year now. I'm just like any other glader except for one thing. I'm a girl. I know that would probably freak any other person out but you get used to it. Maybe not the stares but everything else.

I walk over to my friend Newt's, table and sit down next to him. "Goodmorning Shebean, how did you sleep" he asked. "If I said fine, I would be lying." I said still a little groggy from just waking up. "Welp that makes two of us" he remarked back.

After breakfast I headed over to the med Jack hut since that's where I work. While walking there I saw the runners getting ready to head into the maze for another full day. Out of all of the runners though, there was only one I was focused on. Minho.

Ever since I've been sent here, I've been weirdly attached to Minho. I felt safe around him before I even felt safe around newt, and that's saying something since Newts such a sweetheart. I kinda have a giant crush on Minho actually...

I gusse I didnt realize I was staring because before I knew it, Minho was running in my direction. "Hey y/n, where you heading?" He questioned staring at me. "Uhhhh.... heading over to the med-Jack hut to do my job." I answered back confused. Where else would I be heading.

"Really? Cause it kinda looks like you were staring at me" he said with a smirk on his face. I could feel my face heat up as I looked anywhere but his face. "No I wasn't, I was just lost in thought Minho. It happens all the time. Don't flatter yourself" I replied to his accusation. "Whatever you say princess" he winked at me before running back to the other runners.

He did not just call me princess, I thought as I continued my journey to the med jack hut. The rest of the day went by without any weird interactions or problems. I fixed up a few builders with injuries but otherwise nothing big happened.

It was beginning to get later in the day when the runners came back. All out of breath and sweaty, heading right to the map room to document there findings and such.

I started heading over to dinner when I felt an arm around my shoulder. "Hey gally, what's up?" I questioned him. "Nothing, I was just wondering if you wanted to eat with me today, the other builders are acting like a bunch of shuckfaces" he finished his tiny rant with a sigh.

"Sure gally, last one there is a pile of klunk" I yelled running from gally. "HEY Y/N THATS NOT FAIR" he yelled from behind me as he started running. I turned around to look at him when I ran directly into someone and fell flat on my butt.

Gally ran by yelling something about how he was definitely gonna win but I wasn't focused on that. I was focused on the shuckface that knocked me over. "Sorry princess, I didn't see you there." Princess. It was Minho I had ran into. "Dude that really hurt" I said getting up, brushing the dirt off my hands.

"I said sorry, didn't I?" He asked looking me dead in the eyes. "Ya ya whatever. I'm hungry, let's go get food" I answered back looking away from his eyes. "Okay princess."

I stopped walking and looked at him. "Why do you keep calling me princess Minho?" I questioned. Minhos cheeks turned slightly red at the question. "I don't know, I just thought it matched you. Its cute, just like you." He answered moving closer to me.

"You think I'm cute?" I asked shocked at what I was hearing. "Of course y/n, your super pretty too" he said moving closer to me slowly. By the time he stopped his face was inches away from mine.

"Minho I-" I was cut off by someones lips. No, not someones. Minhos. He just kissed me out of no where. I would be lying if I said I didn't like it though so I kissed back.

"Hey y/n, are you.... coming?" Gally asked looking at me and Minho. At the sound of his voice me and Minho break apart and look at him. "Sorry for... interrupting I guess." Gally turned around and walked back inside with a mixed look of shock and disgust on his face.

Me and Minho just stare at each other until we both burst out laughing. "That's the best reaction I've ever seen gally have" I said through a fit of laughs. Minho agreed but then stopped laughing. "Y/n... I really like you, will you maybe be my girlfriend" Minho asked looking everywhere but at my face.

"Of course my prince" I said before kissing him again.

That was longer then I expected to be but I hope it's good. It's pretty basic but cute I think. If anyone has anything they want to say about it that may help my writing ability please do. I want to improve my skills not be stubborn and listen to no one.

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