Oh shit-

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Heyy everyone.... 😭
Ik I haven't written anything in a little over 4 months but in that 4 months I was not expecting people to actually start reading this 😅

That being said I guess I should explain my absence because even though I haven't been writing, I've still been very active on Wattpad.

My main reason for not writing is lack of motivation and I'm just very lazy to say the least. 3rd MP (marking period/half way mark of school) just started on Monday too so even if I did want to start writing I would be too busy now to be able to fit that into my schedule along with everything else.

Now all though I have not been writing I'm not giving up on this series yet! I think once I settle into all my new classes and everything gets back to normal I'll be fine to write... trust me, I have lots of ideas.

I also realize that this is a long ways away but once summer comes around and I'm sitting around bored in my house, I'll start writing again!

I hope everyone can be patient with me, especially people who have suggested I do certain imagines. (Also check out my reading lists)

Thank you for all the reads as well!!! If there is a chapter you enjoy though please vote! That would be greatly appreciated 😊

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Thank you for all the reads as well!!! If there is a chapter you enjoy though please vote! That would be greatly appreciated 😊

Anyway I hope everyone has a good day/night! Also don't forget to eat lots of food and drink lots of water 🫶
                                             - The Author 🩷

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