Too young - Minho

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It's finally dinner time here in the safe haven. Since the moment I've came here I've been working my butt off. I'm a builder which means we've been trying to make huts for everyone but we're kind of taking a while since theres so many people here. I had to work on something later than all the other builders so when I finally arrived at dinner basically everyone was there. I grabbed my food and headed over to the table where all my friends were sitting. 

"Hello everyone, what are you guys talking about" I ask as I sit down between Minho and Gally. "Hey Y/n, we were talking about how old we all are" Thomas says before putting a piece of food in his mouth. "Oh, I wanna know how old everyone is" I say scanning the table. "Well Thomas, Minho and Brenda are 18. Me and Gally are 19, and Aris is 17" Frypan explains pointing to everyone. I nod in understanding since I have food in my mouth. "How old are you Y/n?" Minho asks looking at me. I swallow hard and look at Thomas. We make eye contact and he can clearly tell that I wasn't expecting that question. 

Thomas is the only one who knows my age. I've never told any of them because it's never really been important but now that I know my crush, Minho, is 2 years older than me it kinda scares me. Minho and Me have been bestfriends since the glade, over time I started to gain feeling for him, another thing only Thomas knows. I know all them are going to be shocked by my age but they asked so I guess I have to tell them. "uh earth to Y/n, answer the question" Gally says a bit harshly. I love Gally but I don't think he knows when he's acting scary. "Uh well, lets see. I came up in the box when I was 14 and it's been about 2 years since we escaped the maze so I'm 16...." I said wincing at the words. 

"YOUR 16?" Minho yelled next to me causing the whole place to look at us. "Yes, you moron. Stop yelling, its not that big of a deal" I said covering his mouth with my hand. I felt Minho lick my hand causing me to make a noise and wipe my hand on his shirt. "Your 16, I would've expected something older. You act older" Brenda pointed out as everyone else nodded or said something in agreement. "Trauma can do that to a person" I heard Jorge say from behind me. Oh right, Jorge also knew I was 16. "Y/n was forced to grow up the moment she was put in that stupid maze, plus the scorch and the last city. She's been through a lot and still puts up with you idiots all day, cut her some slack" Vince said coming up from behind Jorge and ruffling my hair. "Seriously Vince" I said, hair in front of my eyes.  

"Like I said, it's not that big of a deal. Everyone here has seen some messed up stuff, I'm just a little younger" I shrugged, shoveling more food into my mouth with my spoon. After that everyone finished their food and moved outside in front of the fire. I however went for a tiny walk to clear my mind. I'm still the same person I was when I came up from the box. I don't think trauma has made me more mature or more guarded. I mean unless it has and I just haven't noticed. Loosing the family that I had in the glade was painful but I'm still the same. It's not like I can compare myself to me before the maze. That girl is long gone. 

I never really thought about any of this. I try to shove my pain down, I did it when I lost Newt and everyone else and I'll continue to do it. As long as my friends are okay, I'm okay. They are the only family I have, I'm not going to loose them like I lost Newt. However I've always been there for everyone else, made sure they were okay. I've never really had time to just sit down and sort out my emotions. That's why I can't get this stupid crush on Minho to go away. He's 18 and I'm 16. Even though that's not that big of an age gap he could think it is. I really wish that I could just tell him how I feel. Maybe then my crush would go away.  

"Hey, you okay?" I hear someone say from behind me, I didn't even realize I stopped walking. I turn around to see Minho standing there with a concerned look on his face. "Ya, just... thinking" I said looking over to the ocean. "About what?" He questions, moving closer to me. Usually I would say nothing and assure him that I'm fine but tonight I don't think I am. "About what Vince and Jorge said. I've never noticed a change in my behavior but then again I've never really thought about it" I say feeling like theres a siren in my head telling me to shut up. "I've noticed you change but not in a bad way. You've changed into the person you are today, the person that we all know and love" He said walking a few steps closer. 

"I just don't want people to think that I'm too different. I also don't want people making fun of me now that everyone knows I'm only 16" I reply feeling a tiny lightness in my chest. "No one thinks your different Y/n and if anyone makes fun of you for being a tiny bit younger I'll deal with them." I look up at Minho to see that we are only a few inches away from each other. His eyes are staring into mine and I feel a storm of butterflies erupt in my stomach. Without thinking I loop my arms around Minho's neck and place my lips on his. It takes him a few seconds to register that I'm kissing him but when he does he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him.

Our lips move in sync as his hands find there way under my shirt. He lightly brushes his hand up and down my skin on my waist causing me to let a small moan. He's takes the opportunity to shove his tongue into my mouth. When I finally decide that I need to catch my breath I pull away. pressing my forehead against Minho's I can feel his pounding heart against my chest. "I like you Minho" I whisper causing him to chuckle. "I noticed love" he replied pressing his lips on mine again real quick. "Do you like me back?" I question biting my lip. He looks me in the eyes, they are filled with love and adoration. "Of course I do, Y/n. I have since the Maze" He said causing me to smile. 

Suddenly I realized something. "I'm not too young for you?" I question, worried about his answer. I think he sees the worry on my face because he is quick to answer. "No, it's only a two year gap. That's not that long" he says placing a hand on my cheek. "I was just making  sure" I say before kissing him again. 


I personally don't think that a 16 - 18 year old relationship is bad, also because it's a dystopian themed story but if you thinks that's bad than you do you.

I don't know there actual ages, I'm pretty sure they're all in the 17- 20 age range but I could be wrong 

WC - 1298

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