Break up? Pt.1 - Gally

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Ik I said I wasn't gonna write for a while but I'm bored and the inspiration is flowing. May be smut in this one, not sure yet if I feel like doing that so stick around to find out (don't get your hopes up) 


Me and Gally were inseparable when I first came to the Glade. I always had a strong attraction to him. I started liking him about a month into being in the glade but at that point I was still new, still the only girl, and still just getting to know Gally. About 4 months after I had come up, Gally kissed me, then we made it official (despite Alby and Newt's warnings). 

We were the perfect couple. We did everything together and I trusted Gally with my life. I thought we were going to be together forever, I really did. Things change however and over time I guess Gally just started to lose interest. Slowly he was distancing himself from me and it hurt, but I kept my mouth shut so I could keep him. I loved Gally like he was the air I breathed so when he ended things between us, it was like my airways had been cut. I was broken over him and what made it worse was the way he did it. 

He walked over to me after a typically hard day at work and just blurted out "We're done Y/n, there's nothing you can say to make me stay" and that was that. The very worst part was that he didn't even seem upset. While he was working and laughing every day with his friends, Newt and Minho had to bring me food because I couldn't even leave my room in the homestead. Anyway it's been 3 months and I'm still madly in love with Gally. I mean everything about him is amazing, besides the fact that he's an asshole and i'd be glad if a griever took him away forever. 

Still, life goes on. I tell everyone i'm over him but am I really? 


"Hello Y/n" I hear a cheery voice say behind me. "Hello Minho" I say with a smile on my face. Ah Minho, one of my best friends and partner in crime. He's weirdly happy today. "What's with the giant smile?" I question as he sits down next to me with a tray full of food.  "Alby gave me the day off, which means I get to spend the entire day with my favorite person in the whole wide world. Can you guess who?" Minho asks nudging my shoulder and raising his eyebrows. "Hmmmm, Gally?" I reply back with my pointer finger on my chin and a smirk on my lips. Minho's face visibly drops making me laugh out loud. 

It's not like everyone hates Gally, they just strongly dislike him for what he did to me. As the guys put it, they would never hurt such a beautiful girl like me. I'm also the only girl any of them have probably ever seen so that didn't help that much but it's nice to know they care at least. "You're really not funny Y/n, I hope you know that" Minho says shoving his mouth full of food. "I'm actually hilarious, thank you very much."

After me and Minho were done eating we sat there talking for a while. It seems like Alby gave most the glade a day off, I wonder why? My thoughts were interrupted by a very annoying british boy coming up next to us while panting. "Ahh, I finally.... found you guys... I've been... looking everywhere for you." Newt hunches over grabbing his knees while still panting. Me and Minho look at each other quickly before looking back over at Newt who seems to be finally composing himself. 

"Have you guys heard the rumors going around" Newt asks while shoving himself on the bench next to Minho. I giggle while Minho gives Newt an annoyed look before answering "No? What rumors?" "Apparently a few boys were up past curfew last night and when they walked past Gallys room they heard Gally moaning your name Y/n. Everyone's saying that Gally was touching himself to the thought of you" Newt explains with a shrug. I look over to Minho to see a disgusted look on his face causing me to laugh.  

"This is news to me, why would everyone think that? Gally broke MY heart for no reason, there's no way that he was actually doing that" I argue moving my hands with my words for exaggeration. Newt and Minho look at each other before Minho takes my hands in his, causing me to look at him confusingly. "Sweetie, I'm gonna say this in the nicest was possible but you're stupid as klunk" Minho says still holding my hands. Before I can say anything, Newt stops me. "It's very obvious that Gally is still in love with you Y/n. We don't know why he broke up with you but he still loves you."

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