Traitor (part 1) - Minho

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It has been 6 months since me and Teresa betrayed the right arm. To say I regret it would be an understatement. It not like I had a choice though. The reason I went against everyone I love is because I'm special, I was born with the flare. The symptoms didn't start showing until a little before me and Teresa were picked up by WICKED though. Teresa and me are bestfriends and when she started seeing me acting different she asked me why. I didn't actually know why until I lashed out on her almost resulting in her getting hurt. Once we both realized what was wrong with me she begged me to come with her when WICKED came to pick her and a bunch of the kids in the right arm up. 

I refused at first because I didn't think I had the flare. From what I could remember I was never bitten. Eventually though I accepted her offer but only on one condition. Our friends would be safe. She agreed to that and and then it was finalized. Your probably wondering why I didn't tell everyone that WICKED was coming and that was because after we finalized our deal Thomas came to talk to me and Teresa, only a few minutes later did the ship come. I couldn't warn anyone.

Teresa tried her hardest to keep them safe but in the end Minho, my boyfriend, was taken with us. I tried to talk to him on the ship but he kept cutting me off to call me a traitor so eventually I gave up. Fast forward 6 months and here me and Teresa are, working for WICKED. When me and her first arrived they searched me for any bite marks and when they couldn't find any they ruled it out as me being born with it which was very rare. Teresa and me have our own little apartment and she is in charge of making sure I don't lash out on anyone.

I can tell when I'm about to change when I start feeling a severe pain in my left arm. When that happens Teresa has to be quick in giving me my shot or else I may end up a crank. My job in WICKED is tech so I don't get to see any of the kids we took with us, I purposely stay away from Minho. Knowing I'm the reason that he suffers on a daily basis hurts me. Teresa swore that they didn't hurt anyone they tested on but I know better than to believe her. I love Teresa, she's my bestfriend so she tries to make me feel better about coming with her but we came for different reasons. She came to find a cure to an uncurbable disease while I came to survive. 


Current day -

"Hey Teresa" I say as I walk towards her and Ava Paige. "Hello Y/n" she says turning around smiling at me. "What's got you so happy?" I ask smiling a bit confused. "Welllll, we just had a huge break through up stairs. Using Minho's blood we were able to start a curing process for a little girl with the flare." I tense up at the sound of his name but neither of the woman standing in front of me noticed. Ava Paige thinks that I like her now that she's 'saved' me but that can not be farther from the truth. I despise the woman and I'm pretty sure I always will.   

"That's amazing Teresa, I'm proud of you." I smile sweetly and hug her. I always try to encourage her when she's made progress cause I know if I don't she will regret ever betraying our friends. I've already got enough regret for the both of us. Me and Teresa part ways after talking for a little longer, she said there was something she had to take care of and I needed to get my stuff from my office before we headed home. I grabbed my stuff and waited in the lobby for her to come down so we could walk home.

When she finally walked over to me 30 minutes later she seemed a little bit shaken up but I just shrugged it off as her being tired. We started walking home when we had to stop at a cross walk. Before the light turned to the walking symbol I heard her mumble something under her breath. The moment the everyone started walking across the street, Teresa bolted off dodging people. I followed after her yelling her name. When I finally caught up to her she was speed walking after some guy. "What the hell are you doing Teresa?" I questioned a little angry. "I saw him." she said looking at me real quick while we both still followed the man. "What are you talking about, who did you see?" I was trying really hard to keep up with her when we ended up in a dark and abandoned hallway, the man no where in sight. 

"What the shuck are we doing here Teresa, who did you see?" I questioned now very pissed. "Omg y/n, I saw Thomas" she said sounding annoyed. "What? That's impossible, you know that. Look Teresa your just tired from your big discovery today, we should go home." Before I could drag her away I saw the man walk towards us with a hood on. Before I could yell at the man for being creepy he took his hood off. Thomas. My mouth dropped open while he asked Teresa something, I wasn't listening though. I started to feel tears well up in my eyes when Thomas made eye contact with me. His eyes looked dark and cold, I was about to talk to him, explain everything to him until I felt a bag wrap around my head. I started to panic and become dizzy. A few moments later I was knocked out cold.  

When I woke up I was in a very dimly lit room. Before I could even open my eyes fully though I felt the unbearable pain in my left arm. I quickly sat up and held onto my arm yelling. I opened my eyes to see all my friends standing there and Gally?  "What's wrong with her?" Newt asked staring at me with wide eyes. "Shit." Teresa said getting up out of the chair she was using to do the mini operations on everyone and running to her purse digging through it. By then I already had black veins going up and down my arms and the pain had already gotten worse. I was sweating and screaming for Teresa to help me. "I'm coming, you have to relax y/n so I can use the needle." she said coming to my side. I bit onto the fabric of my shirt when she injected me with the needle.

I started feeling better almost immediately after she injected me with the serum. I leaned back on  the chair I was sitting in breathing fast. A few seconds later I heard Gally speak. "What the hell was that." I opened my eyes again and looked at everyone staring at me. "This is not how I wanted to explain to you all why I betrayed you but I guess theres no way around it now" I said sitting up. I hesitated before speaking "I have the flare. But its not the normal flare like Winston got. I was born with mine, and the only way to control it is to take those needles when ever I feel the pain I just felt. I didn't want to betray you all but I also didn't want to die so I guess that's a little selfish on my part but I was scared." I explained while everyone listened carefully. 

"So your telling me that if you didn't get that serum right now you would've just cranked out immediately, no slowly but painfully turning into one?" Frypan asked looking confused. "Yes. trust me though theres no lack of pain I feel when that happens. It's like someone's stabbing me 1000 times over everywhere on my body." My description of the pain made everyone in the room wince. "So wait, you only betrayed these shanks because you were afraid of dying, not because you thought there was a cure?" Gally questioned. I looked back at Teresa before answering. "Yes that's correct. I know there isn't a cure, I wouldn't be a crank still if there was one. We've been trying for 6 months" I replied leaning my head on the back of the chair closing my eyes. 

"Does Minho know that?" Thomas asked from behind me. I tensed up at him name but answered anyway. "No and he never will. Once you guys rescue him or whatever your doing I'm giving up. I can't keep fighting like this, its too tiring" I said in a serious tone. "What, your just gonna give up? what if we used my blood, just to try it" Thomas asked sounding like I was crazy. "I've tried everything Thomas, what does your blood have that everyone else's doesn't?" I questioned sitting up and turning to face him. "Pure immunity."


This is part one to the imagine because I cant fit everything into one. I already spell checked this one and ill probably make part 2 tomorrow so that the idea doesn't leave my brain.

 Wc: 1578

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