Shuckface - Gally

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It was a regular day in the glade. Everyone was working, the animals were grazing, and Gally was yelling at all the builders. Since I was a builder I was also in the mix of getting yelled at. But since I was also a girl, I was getting the most of it.

"Y/n could you move any slower." I hear Gally yell from a little ways away. "I mean I could if you really wanted me too" I said turning around to look at him. "Shut it shank, get back to work" he snapped with a harsh tone. Whatever, I thought.


Finally it was lunch. I could sit with anyone I wanted to but because I'm a builder I was going to sit with them. I had stayed later to finish something so everyone was already sitting down and eating when I got there.

I grabbed my food and walked up to the table. I was away from Gallys eyesight but I could hear him complaining about something to the other builders. I kept walking toward them until I heard Gally say my name, then I swerved and sat at the empty table behind them.

"Y/n is making me mad today. Shes so useless and all she ever does is mess things up. I mean, a girl cant be a builder, especially her. Shes too weak for it, shes always asking for help to carry the easiest stuff ever." Gally rambled on a little more but I stopped listening.

My eyes started to well with tears a little until I lifted my head up to push them down. No one talks about me like that. Especially that shuckface. I quickly get up and tap Gally on the shoulder, he turns around and stares directly up at me.

"Y'know what Gally. Your nothing but a shuckface little jerk who only cares about himself. Yes I ask for help but only because if I drop the stuff and it breaks you will yell at me. I'm so sick of your constant nagging, your not a shucking princess Gally. Get over yourself." By the time I finished my rant everyone had stopped talking and were looking at me and Gally.

From the other side of the room someone shouted "Ooooo Gally just got yelled at by a girl." Everyone started laughing and I could see Gallys cheeks start to get red from embarrassment. Gally looked at me while standing up, he stomped away looking like he was about to murder someone.

The rest of the day had gone on just fine. All though, no one had seen Gally since my little rant. I mean who did he think he was. An asshole is what he was. I honestly thought Gally was kinda cute and he seemed to be friendly sometimes but clearly I was wrong.

By the time I got to the homestead I was exhausted. I walked up the stairs and past everyone's rooms. For some reason though I stopped right outside his door. Maybe I should apologize, I mean I was a little harsh. I could've made it a little less embarrassing for him. So without thinking I knocked on the door.

My first thought was to run away but while I was thinking about how to put that plan into action, the door opened. Gally stood in the door. Shirtless. My eyes traveled down to his abs, his shirts did not do him justice.

"My eyes are up here y/n" he said with a frown on his face. "Oh, uh sorry. Can I come in? I need to talk to you about something." I said hoping the answer would be yes. Gally looked at me for a few seconds before stepping out of the way of the door, leaving space for me to enter.

I walked in studying the room. It looked cleaner then I expected it to be. He walked over to his bed and sat on it. "So what do you need y/n" he said looking me up and down.

"Right, I need to apologize for eailer. Its just I heard what you said about me and my first instinct was to fight back. I'm the only girl in the glade, it's hard enough as it is already. I don't need you on my back as well." I looked down at my feet scared to look anywhere else.

It was silent for a second too long so I looked up. The moment I did Gally stood up and walked over to me. He stopped a few inches away from me, our chests almost touching.

"I'm sorry y/n. I was angry and took all my anger out on you. Your not weak and your not useless, your like a ray of sunshine for everyone in the glade, especially me. Your also super sweet and funny and I gusse I was using anger to mask how I truly feel about you" he said staring directly into my eyes.

"How you truly feel about me? What are you talking about." I answered with a confused look on my face. "Y/n I like you. Like really like you, and I know I'm probably your least favorite person in the glade but I cant help it. Your so pretty and nice" Gally confessed.

"Look y/n I think you should go. I've made a fool of my self to many times today. I'm sorry again about eailer." Gally was getting ready to move away from me when I grabbed his wrist. He stopped suddenly and I could feel him tense against my touch.

He was about to move away from me again but I pulled him into me and kissed him. It took him a few seconds to register what I was doing before he kissed back. When he did his arms snaked around my waist and mine went around his neck.

I pulled away slowly opening my eyes. "I like you too dummy." With that his face lit up and he lifted me up in a huge hug. "Yes, yes, yes, yes" I heard him chant thought my fits of laughter.

After a few seconds he put me down again. "Y/n, will you do me the honors of becoming my girlfriend?" He asked turning shy. "Yes Gally, I will be your girlfriend." I said with a giant smile.

This one isnt spelled checked yet because I don't feel like it rn but I will soon.

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