Body heat - Newt

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Today was a weirdly cold day in the glade. We don't get them that offen but when we do no on is prepared. Alby let everyone take off work today which means there either outside near the fire or inside the homestead with blankets wrapped around them.

I was in my room in the homestead. Since I'm a girl, I get my own room just like the keepers. I was in my bed wrapped in 2 blankets but I was still shivering. Why the klunk is it so cold, i thought to myself.

A few minutes later I hear a knock on my door. "Y/n, it's me. Can I come in?" His voice is faint through the door but I can still tell who it is. Without my answer Newt walks in carrying another blanket.

"Sorry for coming in, I thought you were asleep or something." He said staring at the wall behind me. "Its okay Newt, I cant sleep. Too cold" I answered back through the chattering of my teeth. "Here, I can help you with that."

Newt climbed into bed and under the 2 blankets with me. He put the third one over both of us and then layed back pulling me into his chest.

"Thanks Newtie, I feel a lot warmer already" I said into his chest. His body heat was definitely helping. "No problem love, now go to sleep" he replied. I slowly started drifting off to sleep but before I could I felt Newt kiss the top of my head.

Second story done, this ones shorter due to me not having that much time but y'know this ones cute.

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