The hate game - Minho

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Warnings: Very very tiny smut (I know I said I wasn't gonna write it but no one gets naked)


 Today is everyones day off. We very rarely get days off but today was super hot and Alby thought we all needed a day to relax. I love days off because that means I get to hang out with all my friends and cause trouble. 

I walk into the homestead to see Newt and Minho sitting at a table, talking. I have nothing better to do so I guess i'll hang out with them. "Hey guys" I say walking up to the table. Newt says hi back while Minho rolls his eyes at me. Minho has always hated me but I have no idea why, he refuses to talk to me, he won't even insult me like Gally. I sit down next to Newt before starting up a conversation. Me and Newt had been talking for a little while, Minho listening and occasionally scoffing, before Ben walks in. I've always had a tiny crush on Ben because, unlike his running partner, Bens super sweet to me. "Hey guys and lady" he says winking at me, causing my face to heat up.  

"Hey Ben, what are you doing today" Newt asks, his accent thick. "I actually came here to borrow Y/n for a little bit" he replies, holding out his hand for me to grab. I take his hand and we start walking. Before we leave the homestead completely, I look back at Newt who winks at me and Minho looks annoyed. What's his problem? We walk all the way to the deadheads, away from the graves, before we talk. "Miss me that much?" I question with a smirk. "You know it" he says pushing me up against a tree. He immediately starts leaving hungry kisses all over my neck, causing me to whimper. I forgot to mention that me and Ben have been hooking up, oops. 

He moves his hands to under my shirt, slowly moving them towards my breast. While still kissing my neck, Ben reaches his hand under my bra and squeezes my boob, causing me to moan out his name. Hearing my moan Ben starts kissing harder leaving me a whimpering mess. Before we could go any farther we hear someone clear their throat from behind us. Ben pulls his hand out from under my shirt and quickly turns around. No one's ever caught us, let alone Ben's best friend and running partner. "Uhm, we need to go look over some of the maps in the map room" Minho mumbles looking down. He sounded angry and I could very clearly see that his hands and jaw were clenched. "Okay... I'll be there in a minute" he says awkwardly. 

Minho walks away while Ben turns back around to me. "What if he tells Alby?" he questions, a look of concern on his face. "He probably won't but I'll deal with it, okay? Now go, we don't want him getting suspicious" I mention as I turn him around and start pushing his back causing him to laugh, but walk away. Once he's far enough I fall back on the tree and let out a sigh. How am I gonna 'deal' with Minho? He won't even talk to me, let alone let me speak to him long enough to hear me out. I'll catch him later when he's alone.

Minho and Ben had been in the map room for 2 hours before Ben came out, meaning Minho was in there alone. As I start journey to the map room I pass Ben who gives me a reassuring smile. I can't believe I'm about to do this. I walk up to the map room and push the door open to see Minho leaning over the table, his back faced to me. I speak before I get any second thoughts. "Hey Minho... can I talk to you?" I question, still standing by the door. I see Minho tense up when he realizes that I'm in here with him. "Go away Y/n. You can't be in here." he mumbles, still facing away from me. "Cmon Minho, I'll be quick" I say trying to convince him. "I said get.out." he replies harshly standing up straight.

"Why do you hate me so much? All I want to do is talk to you" I say reaching out for his hand. Before our hands could even get close to each other he turns around, pinning me up against the door. He takes both my wrists in his hands and pins them beside my head.  "Talk about what Y/n? How I found you and Ben, how I found him kissing your neck, how I found you with his hands up your shirt, how I heard you moaning and whimpering for him. I could make you scream my name Y/n." Slowly his lips start brushing over my neck. He places one tiny kiss on my neck causing me to let out a shaky breath. Minho then begins attacking my neck, finding my sweet spot immediately. He starts sucking harshly on my sweet spot causing me to moan out his name loudly.

The moment my name leaves his mouth, he lets go of my wrists and pulls away. "Pathetic" he spits before walking to the other side of the room. I open the door and run back into the open fields of the glade. When I stop running, I hunch over and start panting. Never in my entire life have I ever felt like this. I mean, Minho found my sweet spot without even trying. It took Ben weeks to find it when we first starting hooking up. Why did Minho do that, all that stuff he said about me and Ben and how he could make me scream his name. I thought he hated me. Ugh, this is too much for me right now, I need to find Newt. 

Newt is my best friend, I tell him everything  and right now I really need to talk to him about all of.... this. I make my way over to Newt, who is currently talking to Alby. "Hey Newt, can we talk real quick?" I question, interrupting him and Alby. I see his look of doubt because he was talking to Alby but I really need to talk to him. "Please Newt, It's really important" I begged. "Ugh Alby?" he asks clearly annoyed. "Go ahead, we will talk later." Without a second thought, I drag Newt off to my room in the homestead. When we finally get to my room I open the door, rush Newt in, then slam the door shut. "Sit" I demand, pointing to the bed. Newt sits down as a pace back and forth in front of him, his eyes following my every move. "Whats up Y/n?" He questions, looking concerned. I sigh before explaining everything.

When I'm done explaining everything, Newts jaw is dropped. I use my pointer finger to close his mouth before asking if he had any questions. "Okay first, I definitely knew you and Ben were hooking up and secondly, MINHO LIKES YOU. I can't believe you thought he hated you, he was clearly jealous of Ben" Newt points out while frowning. "Minho does not like me. I don't know why he went to town on my neck but it's definitely not that" I say shaking my head back and forth. "Yes he does Y/n, your clearly blind. You should talk to him, and this time maybe don't be near anything he can pin you up against" Newt says standing up to leave. My face heats up and I smack Newt jokingly before he leaves laughing. 

What am I supposed to do. Newts right, I should talk to him but what if he lashes out and never talks to me again. When he was kissing my neck, it felt different. Like there were sparks flying everywhere. Maybe I like Minho, he's insanely attractive and I've seen him with his friends, he's funny and smart. Sometimes when he doesn't notice, I laugh at his idiotic remarks and jokes. I'm gonna talk to him. I don't care if I have to tie him down to do it. I walk out of the homestead to see that the sun is going down and it's gotten chillyer. I search the glade with my eyes until they land on the person I'm looking for. I stomp my way over there with all the confidence I can muster. 

"Minho, we need to talk. Right now." I demand when I finally make my way to him. He stops laughing with his friends and looks over at me, clearly not noticing I was walking towards him. He can see that I'm serious and he doesn't want to cause a scene so he stands up and starts following me. I walk far enough so that people don't hear us talking but will help me screaming for help if anything goes wrong. He was about to speak when I cut him off. "Don't talk. Listen to me and then you can talk when I'm done." I say searching his eyes for any bit of anger, none so far. 

I hesitate before speaking again. "What you saw earlier wasn't what you think. Me and Ben have been hooking up, yes but we are not dating and we probably never will be because I don't like him like that anymore. I think I like you... but I can't be sure because you never talk to me, you completely ignore me. Newt says it because you like me but I don't bel-" I'm cut off my Minho but not in the way I expected I would be. He shut me up by kissing me. Minho is kissing me. It take a moment to register but when It does, I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss back. Minho pulls away for a few seconds to speak. "I'm sorry Y/n, about everything. I've liked you since you came up but you always seemed drawn to Ben so I backed off and shut you out. I was jealous and didn't act reasonably" He explains holding both my hands in his, not meeting my eyes.

"Its okay Minho, I forgive you but next time maybe talk to me about it, okay?" I say using my hand to lift his head to look at me. "I will, I promise" Suddenly we are kissing again. This felt right. Now I just have to explain to Ben that I chose his Best friend slash Running partner over him, oops. 


Sorry Ben 😬  

This one is my longest one because I had to fit so much in. Yall please remember to vote on chapter that you like, that would be deeply appreciated

This chapter isn't spell checked so If there's a mistake, tell me or just fix it in your head, sorry if there is any though

WC - 1820       

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