The Night we met - Newt

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I am not the only traveler
Who has not repaid his debt

The last thing I saw was Thomas walking away as I fell on my knees in front of his lifeless body.

I've been searching for a trail to follow
Take me back to the night we met

Flashback: All I could hear was metal scraping as I woke up. All I could see was darkness. Where am I? I was moving upwards and it didn't look like there was any way out of here so I sat down and waited. For 30 minutes I sat in the darkness, terrified. All the sudden the box stopped. A few minutes later the huge metal box was filled with light, I had to cover my eyes from how bright it was.

When I could finally see again I looked up. Around the box stood about 8 boys but no girls. "Its a girl." I heard a boy with an accent say. Suddenly he jumped down into the box. I backed away from him, I dont know what hes gonna try to do to me. "Hey, it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you, I just want to help you out of here" he said calmly holding his hand out for me.

I grabbed it and he helped me out of the box. I feel like I can trust this guy. "I'm Newt, by the way. Do you remember your name?" I actually did, "Yes, its y/n"
I said still a little nervous. "Welcome to the glade y/n."

And then I can tell myself
What the hell I'm supposed to do

"Y/n, c'mon. We have to go." Minho was trying to rip me off of him but I couldn't leave him. I wouldn't. "I'm sorry y/n." Then Minho used all his force to rip me off of him. "NO MINHO, LET GO. LET GO" I yelled thrashing around trying to get out of his grip. "We have to leave or else we're gonna die too." That was the last time I ever say him.

And then I can tell myself
Not to ride along with you

Flashback: There was a bonfire going on due to my arrival but I wasn't apart of it. I was sitting to the side, thinking. "Hey, Shebean" Newt said sitting beside me. "Hello Newt" I replied still staring ahead of me. "Are you alright love?" He asked looking at me.

"What if none of the other boys like me? What if I'm the only girl that is going to arrive here. I don't want to be alone..." I said feeling tears well in my eyes. "Your not alone, you can ride along with me. I'll introduce you to all the boys and I'll protect you" he said wrapping his arm around me and pulling me into his side.

I had all and then most of  you
Some and now none of  you

He was my everything. My bestfriend, my protector, my love. And I never even got to tell him. I didn't get to say goodbye, I never got to tell him how in love with him I was. He was taken away from me, this time for good.

Take me back to the night we met
I don't know what I'm supposed to do
Haunted by the ghost of  you

This safe haven doesn't feel safe without him. He was supposed to be here. With me. Everything I do reminds me of him, being with our friends reminds me of him. I can't sleep cause the image of his body lifeless is haunting me and I can't eat because I can see the knife stuck in his chest.

When the night was full of terrors
And your eyes were filled with tears

Flashback: Thomas and Newt told me to go with Gally and Minho because the city was being destroyed so that's what I'm going to do. "Y/n wait, please don't forget me. Take this" he said handing me something. His breathing was rapid and his eyes have tears in them. "Don't say that Newt, your gonna be fine. I wont let you die." I said taking the thing from his hand. "Be safe Newtie." I kissed his head and ran after Gally and Minho.

When you had not touched me yet
Oh, take me back to the night we met.

I told him he wasn't going to die. I told him I wouldn't let him die. The thing he handed me was the necklace he always wore, I have not taken it off since he died. I miss him more and more every day.

Sitting in the sand alone on the beach I was studying the Necklace when I realized that it could open. What the hell is this? Inside was a note. It read:

Dear y/n, I know this isn't how we expected everything to end but I'm guessing the reason your reading this is because the flare took me. I'm sorry love, I really am but I need to help you and Thomas save Minho and if that means not getting the cure then I don't care. Please don't cry over me, I'm okay and I'm watching you. Look up wherever you are and I'll be there looking right back at you. And y'know I'll get to see everyone from the glade again, I'll tell chuck all about our adventures. While I'm writing this I do have to confess something. I love you y/n, and not just as a friend. Since the moment you came out of that shucking box I thought you were the prettiest girl alive and getting to know you was even better. Anyway I should probably let you go now, y'know to go mess around with frypan or try to race Minho even though you always loose. I'll see you soon in the glade, until then, keep this necklace close.

                                             Newtie <3

Im currently sobbing and laughing. God I'm gonna miss him so much. I look up to the sky like he told me to. "I love you too Newt, hope your okay"


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