No touching - Gally

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When I first came up in the box everyone was shocked, I was the only girl there. Because I was the only girl surrounded by 20+ hormonal boys Alby and Newt promised to protect me and make sure none of the boys did anything. I didn't blame the boys for feeling that way but it eventually did get annoying constantly having boys trying to peek when I was showering, staring at me all the shucking time, or trying to touch me when I walked by. Eventually, 2 weeks after I had came up, Alby called a meeting on the matter. Of course Gally, the only boy who didn't stare at me because he seemed to hate me, suggested a new rule. No one touches Y/n, if they did they would get severe punishment. Alby obviously agreed to it but I hated it. I mean what if I wanted to "touch" one of the boys. 

Fast forward to current day, I've been in this stupid maze for about 6 months now and I work in the gardens with Newt so that he can "watch" me. Once I started to become more comfortable with everyone I became kind of a trouble maker, hence Newt having to watch me like a toddler, Alby's orders. Today's a very hot day in the glade and I'm dying of a heat stroke. The boys are so lucky, they can take their shirts off. I slouch over and sigh, catching Newts attention. "What's wrong Shebean?" He asks standing up straight and leaning on the shovel he was using wiping sweat off his forehead. "It's super hot out here Newt" I whined as I shut my eyes and fanned my face with my hand. Newt studied me for a few seconds clearly seeing how hot I was. "How about this, go get some more fertilizer. There's shade back there." he said as he handed me a bucket. "OH MY GOD, THANK YOU NEWT" I said taking the bucket from him and quickly pecking him on the cheek. I could hear him chuckling as I skipped away.

Still skipping I headed past the hammocks, the fertilizer was near the slicers due to them having pigs and goats and all types of things that they have to murder for food. I usually don't go near the slicers area because it makes me sad but this time I didn't care. They work in the shade and as of now, that's all I care about .I was getting tired so I stopped skipping and started walking towards them. I closed my eyes for a few seconds while walking just to listen to the peaceful sounds around me. The peace was soon ruined when I ran into something hard causing me to drop my bucket. I opened my eyes to see Gally staring down at me clearly annoyed that I ran into him. 

"Oh, hey Gally" I said bending over to pick up the bucket. Before I could though he picked it up first and held it in front of my face. "What are you doing back here Y/n" he questioned still holding the bucket up. "Getting fertilizer for Newt, he said I could since it so hot and the slicers have shade" I answered back smiling, reaching for the bucket. Quickly Gally pulled the bucket out of my reach scanning me head to toe. I just stood there awkwardly shifting my weight from each foot while he just stared at me. After a few minutes I spoke "So can I have my bucket back now or...?"  He seemed to snap out of trance before answering. "Ya whatever. Just get back to work Y/n." Gally handed  me the bucket before moving around me and walking away. 

Is he serious? He just stopped me from doing my job by holding the bucket up in my face for like 5 minutes. I made my way to the slicers, grabbing the fertilizer while talking to Winston and a few other slicers. When I was in range of seeing the gardens I saw Gally talking to Newt. Before I could get into earshot of there conversation, Gally walked away. I walked up to Newt setting the fertilizer filled bucket down. "What was that all about?" I asked raising one of my eyebrows. "He came over here to tell me that you weren't doing what you were supposed to be doing, aka getting fertilizer" Newt said looking down at the bucket. "What!? That's not true. I was heading over there when Gally stopped me for like 5 minutes just to stare at me" I fought back crossing my arms in front of me.  Newt just shrugged at me and got back to work, me following behind him even though I was annoyed. Great, now I'm hot and annoyed. 

The rest of the day went on fine. Me and Zart were joking around a lot and it started to annoy Newt so he let me go early to take a shower before dinner since I was sweating so bad and apparently I smelled like the bathroom after Minho uses it. I took offence to that obviously but went anyway. So far the boys have been good at the 'No touching Y/n' rule and they stopped trying to watch me shower so I take that as a win. After my very needed shower I went to dinner and found where Newt was sitting with Minho, Ben, and a few other boys. Today Frypan made pizza which isn't my favorite but I'm not complaining. Minho was bragging about something but I wasn't listening, I was studying the room while eating my pizza.  I've pranked almost every boy in here, some more than once. The one person I haven't pranked is Gally, I've even pranked Alby for shucks sakes. It's not that I'm scared of Gally, because god knows I'm not, It just that he has an anger problem and he's very intimating. 

I'm actually pretty nice to Gally, he still seems to hate me though and I have no idea why. Ben says it's because he's scared that he'll be accused of becoming soft but I don't think that's the only reason why.  However I'm pretty mad at him today so I think it would be the perfect time to prank him. My plan was when he was making his way to the showers after dinner I was gonna come out from behind a tree and scare him, weak prank I know but I don't want to make him too mad. Since I came up with the plan, dinner went by very slowly. The moment dinner was over I left so that I could get into place. A few boys passed before I could finally hear Gally coming, I know what footsteps are his and he was lowly mumbling to himself about something.

I was getting ready to jump out when all the sudden I tripped over root sending me flying. Before I could hit the ground however I felt some ones arms wrap around my waist. I looked up realizing that it was Gally, our faces inches apart. I had been staring for a few seconds until I realized I was probably acting like a creep. I stood up straight and backed up a few inches, Gallys eyes never leaving mine. "What the shuck are you doing Y/n?" he questioned with a slight look of concern on his face "I was trying to prank you since you told Newt that I wasn't doing my job, even though you were the one keeping me from doing it" I said crossing my arms in front of my chest. 

"What are you talking about?" he asked generally looking confused. "You told Newt that I wasn't doing my job but the only reason I wasn't is because you were holding my bucket in front of my face and staring at me" I answered getting annoyed. A look of realization made its way onto his face as he brought his hand up to rub the back of his neck. " Ya uh, sorry about that. I was just trying to make sure Newt knew what you were doing." I looked at him but he avoided my eyes. "Ya whatever, why were you even staring at me in the first place?" I questioned still trying to get his gaze to meet mine. 

"No reason" he said, his cheeks turning a light pink color. Thankfully for him Y/n couldn't see it due to it being dark outside. "Gally... y'know you can tell me anything right. I know your not the most liked person in the glade but you can still talk to me" finally his gaze met mine but his eyes looked different. I've never Gally look like at anyone like that before. Suddenly he pushed me up against the tree behind me mumbling something that sounded like 'shuck it'. His face was inches away from mine, his eyes kept flickering between my eyes and my mouth. "your gonna break your rule..." I whispered as I looked at his lips and then at his eyes. "Screw my rule." 

His lips were quick to catch mine. The kiss was like nothing I could have imagined, it was soft and passionate. My arms looped around his neck trying to get our bodies as close as I could. One of his arms was still up against the tree while the other one was cupping my cheek. He moved his mouth down to my neck where he started to kiss and suck every place he could. I whimpered when he pulled away, feeling the lose of his soft lips against my skin. "I like you Y/n" he whispered sweetly. "I think I could tell" I smirked back at him. "Do you like me back?" he asked becoming shy. "Of course I do Gally" I said smiling. 

"What about the rule though?" I questioned him frowning. "I only suggested the rule so that no one could get to you before I did Y/n. Now Alby's just gonna have to deal with this because I'm not ever leaving you alone after this" he said pointed between the two of us to when he said 'this' meaning us. I thought this would be the perfect time to mess with him. "There's a this? I don't remember you asking me to be your Girlfriend?" I said putting my pointer finger on my chin to tease him. His face immediately had a smirk on it as he spoke. "Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" He questioned still with a smirk on his face. "Yes I will Captain Gally." I pulled him into a hug shoving my head into his chest. Best failed prank ever. 


WC - 1789  

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