Arguments - Frypan

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Me and Fry have been dating for 5 months and it's been amazing. He's my other half, he understands me better than anyone else in this entire glade. Although recently we've been fighting more. It started off with just mini disagreements but now they have turned into full blown arguments. The longest we haven't talked after an argument was a day but Frypans been ignoring me for a week now, an entire week. Of course its because I said something stupid and the moment the words left my mouth I instantly regretted it but it was to late. Fry had already left the room. 

- Flashback

"Why are you acting like this Fry?" I yelled, my anger finally boiling over. "Seriously Y/n? because you've been super touchy and close to Ben this entire week." He yelled back causing me to flinch. "So? Bens one of my bestfriends Frypan. You on the other hand, are my boyfriend and you've barley looked at me all week, you pulled your hand away from mine today for shucks sakes" I say defending myself, feeling less mad and more upset. "Ya well maybe you should go hold Bens hand, your too blind to even realize that he's in love with you and has been trying to 'win' you over all week" Frypan spits back looking angrier then before. "Y'know what. Maybe I will go hold Bens hand, he treats me ten times better then you ever have." 

- End Flashback

That's when the regret set in. After that Fry gave me a hurt expression and stormed off before I could apologize and tell him I was wrong. Ever since then Fry's avoided me and even sleeps in the hammocks instead of our shared room. In return to him avoiding me I've been avoiding going to breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The kitchen is Frypans safe place and I'm not gonna ruin that by being there. Newt and Minho have been sneaking me the scraps of all the meals but its really starting to affect me. I haven't had a proper meal in a week and I'm starving. I also can't be anywhere he is without him getting up and walking away. It's hurting me to be away from him.

I'm not sure if we're broken up or what, he never actually said if we were but I really hope we aren't. Newt and Minho are the only ones who know about the argument, they understand where Fry's coming from but they also know that I would never purposely do something to hurt him. They keep telling me to come eat dinner with them but I'm too afraid, however I am hungry, maybe I will tonight. "Hey Y/n" I hear a familiar voice say. "Hey Minho" I say standing up from weeding the garden. "You should totally come to dinner with me and Newt right now" He said putting a arm around my shoulder. "Before you say n-" I cut him off before he finished his sentence "Fine." 

Once I gave the okay, Minho started dragging me towards the dining area. Suddenly I was regretting this more than I thought but I had to talk to Frypan. I needed him. After the argument I confronted Ben and he admitted to everything. I told him that I understand that he liked me but I'm with Fry and I plan to be for a very long time, I also told him that I needed space and since then we've only given each other the occasional 'Hi' but nothing more. When me and Minho finally make it to the dining area we met up with Newt and wait in line for food. Tonight is soup, I could tell by the smell. 

I leaned over to the side a little bit to get a better look at Frypan. He was laughing at something the boy he was serving just said. He looked happy and carefree, not at all miserable like I was. Maybe he didn't need me like I needed him. The line moved very slowly but when we got up to him his eyes only flickered to me for a few seconds before he started talking to Minho and Newt. I grabbed onto Newt's arm tightly feeling like this was to much for me. Before I could make a run for it thought Newt places his hand on mine signaling that I should talk to him. "Fry please talk to me." I said low enough to not attract attention. Fry quickly looked at me before looking back at Newt and Minho and continuing what he was saying.

Still I tried again. "C'mon Fry, just hear me out" I said still with a low voice. By now we were holding up the line and Newt was trying to pull me away but I was not budging. "Why can't you just speak to me" I said a little louder now. Finally he snapped and stared directly into my eyes. "Maybe cause I don't want to Y/n" he spat causing people to look at us. Before I could say anything else I felt a hot liquid being poured on my head. Frypan had just dumped the bowl of soup he was holding, on my head. I could feel tears brimming in my eyes. Minho and Newt tried to ask if I was okay but I couldn't hear them. 

As fast as my legs would take me I ran out of there, not looking back once. I ran all the way to my room before I broke down. How could he do that. He just humiliated me in front of everyone and all for what? For an accident. I love him, why can't he see that. Why can't he let me explain, instead he poured a bowl of soup over my head in front of the entire glade. I was sitting on the edge of my bed bawling my eyes out when I heard a knock on the door. "Go away" I said my voice cracking. Without warning the door opened revealing the person I least wanted to see. "What do you want, haven't you embarrassed me enough?" I question wiping the snot from my nose. "Y/n I'm so sorry. I never meant to do that, I was just mad at you and the bowl of soup was in my hand, it was a reflex" He says moving closer to me.

I back away against the wall to get as much space in between us as possible since I was still sitting on my bed. "Whatever Fry, can you just go away? I'm tired and I don't feel good." I was hungry and still smelled like soup but I didn't mention that part. I close my eyes and rest my head against the wall. I hear the door close meaning that Frypan left but before I could open my eyes and continue my cry session, I feel the bed shift meaning that he never left. "I'm sorry for ignoring you all week baby. I didn't want to but I was keeping my distance so that I wouldn't say something I regretted" Fry whispers pulling me into his chest. "I didn't mean what I said Fry, I was angry and wanted to get on your nerves but the moment I said it, I regretted it. I missed you so much, I love you" I said feeling tears brim my eyes again. "I forgive you, I love you too." He said pressing a kiss to my forehead


This is so cute to me, idk why

WC - 1259

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