Kisses - Newt

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"Maybe Y/n can't pick it up because she's a girl and weak" Gally said smirking at me, crossing his arms in front of his chest. I can't believe this shuck face. "I'm way stronger than you Gally, your just too big of a baby to admit it." Me and Gally HATE each other.  Ever since I've showed up in the glade he's made it his sole purpose to torture me. Everything about him annoys me, he's always picking on me and making me feel miserable. Oh, he also hates me because I'm a builder. 

"You can't seriously think that your stronger than me, right?" Gally scoffs with that stupid smirk on his face, I just want to punch it. "I am. Your egos just to big to notice" I spit back, feeling my blood boil. Instead of replying, Gally and all the other bystanders, start laughing. Great, now I'm embarrassed and angry. "That's the funniest joke I've ever heard Y/n, you will never be stronger than me. You're the glades useless girl." Gally had a smug look on his face while everyone around us let out small 'oohs.' I felt my rage boil over as I walked closer to Gally. Before I knew it I was slapping Gally across the face, causing everyone to go deathly silent. "You have no right to say I'm useless Gally. Half the people here don't even like you because your rude and you have weird eyebrows."

Gally got real mad after I said that. "Your a slu-" "DO. NOT. FINISH THAT SENTENCE." I hear a loud voice yell from next to me. I turn my head to see Alby and Newt standing in a clearing in the crowd of boys. "Gally. I told you that if you didn't stop messing with Y/n there would be consequences" Alby said, an annoyed expression playing on his face. "She started it Alby, she slapped me" Gally retorted, trying to defend himself. "Honestly, you deserved it Gally" Newt added, a hand on his hip. "Even if he deserved it, Y/n you still can't hit another glader. Both of you are being put in the slammer for tonight" Alby announced loud enough for everyone to hear. "He was being a shuck face" I mumbled, arms crossed and a pout on my face. 

Gally clearly didn't like that cause next thing I know I'm being pinned against the ground while 6 gladers are trying to rip Gally off of me. Eventually they get him off of me, and I run to hide behind Newt. Alby's yelling at Gally for causing more trouble and those 6 gladers are dragging Gally towards the slammer. Gally looks back at me with a glare but I just stick my tongue out at him. Suddenly I feel a hand on top of mine. I forgot that I was hiding behind Newt. "Cmon Y/n, we have to talk about what just happened." Newt starts dragging me out into the open. When we get far enough from everyone else working, Newt drops my hand and turns around to face me. Newt crossed his arms in front of his chest and raises one of his eyebrows, singling for me to start talking. 

Newt's my best friend. He knows about every single fight that I've ever had with Gally. He knows that the only reason I defend myself is because I don't want to seem like I'm weak just because I'm the only girl. Newt knows everything about me, all my secrets, my feelings, everything. Well, everything except my giant crush on him, which he will never know. I'm pulled out of my trance from Newt snapping his fingers in front of my face. "Talk. now." He says clearly becoming impatient. I hesitate before taking a deep breath. "Gally was talking shit about me and I got mad so I slapped him. He called me the glades useless girl and It really hurt me. I'm not useless Newt" At this point I'm pacing back and forth and Newt's trying to get me to calm down and shut up. "I mean who does Gally think he is, not Alby thats for sure. He just knows every way to get under my skin and it's really annoying. He always finds a way to ruin my da-" 

I'm cut off my a pair of lips on mine. My eyes open in shock as I stand there still as a board. The kiss was a short one and when Newt pulls away he's smiling. "Finally shut you up" He said still smiling. I can feel my cheeks heat up as I look down at the ground. Newt grabs my arm to make me look at him again. "Don't listen to Gally Y/n. Your not useless and your not weak. Your strong, smart, and beautiful." I pull Newt into a hug and mumble a thank you into his shoulder. 

When we pull away, Newts arms are still around my waist. "Thanks for the kiss too" I say looking up at him with a smirk. Newts eyes widen in shock and his cheeks turn red. "Ya, your welcome" He mumbles before pulling me in again for another kiss. 


Sorry for not writing in a while. School started and it's really stressful. 

This Imagine is a lot shorter than normal but I'm sick and I have to get up early for school tomorrow. I'll write a longer one soon but for now this will have to do.


WC: 913

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