Just friends - Newt

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It was a very peaceful day in the Glade. I was sitting under a tree watching all the boys do their jobs. Alby gave me the day off because he thought that I needed it, I don't do one specific job in the glade. I help everyone when they need it, I mainly help Frypan in the kitchen though. 

My eyes wandered to the gardens, to one boy in particular.  Newt, my bestfriend. What he doesn't know though, is that I have a gigantic crush on him and I have since the moment I came up in the box. The only person who knows is my other bestfriend, Minho. He forced me to tell him one day when I wouldn't stop staring at Newt, in my defense he was working with no shirt on. Minho always tells me to just man up and tell him but I know Newt doesn't like me back, as he puts it we are "just friends" and we always will be I guess.  

Enough focusing on Newt, its my day off and I want to relax. I reposition myself so that my body is laying on the ground and my head is leaning up against the tree. To make myself more comfortable I put my hands behind my head and close my eyes. Slowly I start to drift into sleep until I'm disturbed by someone jumping on my stomach causing me to open my eyes. "AGH, MINHO GET OFF OF ME." I yell trying to shove him off of me. "No, I don't think I will. I'm comfortable" he says closing his eyes and snuggling into my stomach some more. "Seriously dude." I say annoyed but accepting my fate. "Yes seriously, I've been out running all day. I deserve to relax too" I could hear the smug smile on his face. "Ya whatever." 

Me and Minho sat there for a few minutes until I heard tiny snores coming from his mouth. Ugh Minho, really  I thought not seeing the person walking towards us. "Hey y/n and....Minho?" Newt said startling me a little. "Hey Newtie, done with work?" I questioned as he sat down next to me. "Ya, Alby said that we could stop a little bit early and wait for Frypan to finish dinner." I noticed Newts eyes flicker down to my hand that was stroking Minho's hair. "Oh that's nice of Alby, I would tell you what Frypans making but I don't know" I said getting a hum in response. We sat there in silence as I continued to stroke Minho's hair and look out into the Glade. 

"Do you like Minho" Newt questioned breaking the peaceful silence. I looked over at him to see a blank expression on his face. "Of course I do, he's one of my bestfriends" I replied a little confused looking down at Minho still sleeping soundly on my stomach. "No, I mean as more then a friend. Do you like like him?" Newt asked looking down at my hand sitting on top of Minho's head. I thought that maybe this would be the perfect opportunity to make Newt jealous, so I took my chances. "So what if I did, he cares about me more then any person in the glade" I replied looking back out into the glade. "That's not tr-" Newt was cut off my the bell telling everyone it was time for dinner.     

I nudged Minho and slowly started to see him stir. When he finally woke up he sat up and looked at me. "Good morning beautiful" he said with a lopsided smile. I hit him in the arm which made him yelp out in pain. "Come on idiots, its time for dinner." I stood up and brushed off my pants before helping Minho and Newt up. "Hey guys Ill meet you there, I just have to do something real quick" Newt said walking away.  I started walking to the cafeteria when Minho came up next to me. "What's his problem? He just gave me some serious dirty looks" Minho said walking next to me. "I may or may have not just hinted at Newt that I like you" I said looking over at Minho. 

"What. Why would you do that, You know he's in love with you, right?" He asked as I let out a laugh. "Ya right, he's the one always saying that we are just friends." I said holding the door open for Minho to enter in front of me. "You seriously are blind Y/n, I hope you know that." He said grabbing food and sitting down, me following behind. "Mhm, what ever you say." 

After dinner some of the boys went outside to sit in front of a fire and talk but I was wondering where Newt was since he never came to dinner. I got up from the table and told Minho and the other's I was tired and that I was going to bed, followed by a Minho remark asking if he could join me. I gave him the finger and walked outside. It was a chilly night and the only light to lead me to where I wanted to go was the full moon. I wrapped my arms around myself and started walking to our spot. It was a tiny clearing surrounded by trees in the woods. 

"Newt, are you out here?" I asked slightly yelling. After a minute or two I was getting ready to walk away until I saw something move in the tree in front of me. "Newt I know your in that tree, come down here and talk to me." Seconds later he jumped down from the tree landing right  in front of me. "Go away Y/n, I'm not in the mood to talk to you" he said harshly. His words hurt me but I wasn't going to leave my bestfriend when he was upset. "What's wrong Newt, you can talk to me, I'm your bestfriend" I said reaching out to touch his arm. He moved his arm away from my touch before I could say anything else. "You're my problem y/n. Your always focused on everyone else but me. Look at me y/n, not him" He said with harsh tone. 

"What are you talking about, your the only thing I ever look at. Your just to blind to see it Newt. I'm basically in love with you but you never notice." I am so mad, how could he say that. He's the only thing I think about, the only person I see in a crowed space. I saw his face become visibly less angry but he still hadn't answered. "Y'know what Newt, I'm sorry that I don't pay enough attention to you" I spat out as I turned around to walk away until I felt Newt hand tightly grip my arm and turn me around towards him. "What are you doi-" I couldn't finish my sentence because I felt a pair of lips on mine. I started moving my lips in sync with his, wrapping my arms around his neck while he wrapped his around my waist.

I only pulled away once I couldn't breath. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that for y/n" he said resting his forehead against mine. I smiled up at him but before I could say anything he spoke again. "I'm sorry about all that y/n. I was jealous after you said you liked Minho, I now know that you did that on purpose but it still hurt because I am in love with you" He explained biting his lip. "I'm sorry for doing that, I was just trying to get you to notice me because as I've already said, I'm also in love with you" I said smiling at him. "I definitely noticed you" He said leaning down and kissing me again. 


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