Drunk love - Gally

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~ Gally  ~

Tonight we had a bonfire for the new greenie. Bonfires are always the best because everyone is carefree, fun, and drunk. Drunk off of my drink that is. I'm always in the ring fighting someone but tonight was different. I was sitting on a log in front of the fire, watching her. From across the fire I can see Y/n drunkenly dancing with Minho. The fire light was covering her in an orange glow. She's so beautiful, it's driving me mad. Y/n was the greenie 6 months ago and since then I've been falling in love. When she came up, the glade immediately became a brighter place, everyone enjoyed her company and the person she became when she wasn't shy.   

She also became my best friend, which to everyone, was surprising since I'm the glade grump. When I'm around her I'm a whole different person. She makes me better and I love her for it. I also love her for a bunch of other things but she doesn't know that. There's 40 or so boys in this place, she wouldn't choose me even if I did tell her how I felt. However, I've been working up the courage to tell her for the past 2 months. Out of the corner of my eye I see Newt coming towards me. "Y'know staring at her isn't gonna magically let her know how you feel" he says plopping down next to me. Newt figured out I liked her about 3 months ago and since then he's kinda been my hype man.

"I know that Newt but I don't know how to tell her" I reply leaning forward putting my elbows on my knees, staring into the fire. "You could just walk up to her and say it, the worst thing she could say is no" he says like he's pointing out the obvious. I look up at him to see him staring at her as well. "She could tell me that she hates me or ask me to never speak to her again. There's plenty of worse things she could say" I state, him looking down at me. "Ya well -"  "hEy GuYsssss, how are you doing" Y/n says stumbling up next to us making me sit up straight.  She's clearly had too much to drink. "We are fine Y/n, how about you" Newt asks noticing the same thing I did. "I'm doing amazing guys.... mmmmmm my feet hurt" she whines before sitting down on my lap.

 "Uhhh, Y/n. What are you doing?" I question putting my hands on her waist to make her hold still. If she keeps squirming like she is I'm gonna have a problem down there. "Stop squirming." I whisper into her ear. I let me eyes flicker over to where Newt was sitting to realize that he was no longer there. By now most of the guys had gone to bed, some were still emptying jars and putting away stuff. "Gally, what's in your pocket?" she asks squirming some more. "Y/n get off" I say realizing what she means. When she doesn't get off I lightly push her off and stand up, covering my 'problem' in my boxers with my hand. 

She turns around and looks me up and down, her eyes stopping where my hand is. "Gally, did I make you hard?" she asks snickering a little. "I told you to stop squirming" I spit out, my cheeks heating up a bit.  Y/n's face softens a little, realizing that I'm mad at her. "I'm sorry Gally. I was just messing with you" she spoke with a soft tone. For a second I thought she was sobered up until she spoke again. "I'm tiredddddd, Gally carry me to bed" she whined still very drunk. "I won't carry you but I will help you" I say grabbing her hand and leading her to her room in the homestead. When we get to her room she plops down on her bed without doing anything else. 

I walk over to her and bend down before taking her shoes off her feet. "Y/n, you have to change out of your work clothes" I say grabbing her arms to sit her up straight. "Ughhhhhhhh. Fine, hand me my clothes Captain." My cheeks heat up at the name but I ignore it and walk over to her dresser, pulling out shorts and a sweatshirt for her. "Here. Now change" I demand, handing her the clothes and turning around. When she's done she lets out a tiny noise, letting me know that I can turn around again. I make sure she's comfortable before heading to the door to leave. "Wait Gally" she says softly. I turn around to look at her before she speaks again. "Stay with me."

Without thinking I head over to her bed and move the blankets but before I can get in the bed she stops me. "Take off your clothes. I don't want your dirty clothes in my bed" she says, staring up at me. "I wont look." She closes her eyes and I quickly pull my shirt over my head and take my pants off, leaving me in my boxers. She opens her eyes once I'm in the bed and the bottom half of my body is covered. She stares at me for a few seconds before closing her eyes again and snuggling up into my chest. I feel her breathing slow down signaling that she's asleep. "I love you Gally" she groggily says into my chest. I don't think she expected me to answer but I did anyway. "I love you too Y/n."


This one's shorter than normal but whatever. It's also different because I left it all in Gally POV, don't judge, I was trying something new

I think I finally figured out what my writing schedule is gonna be. I think I'm just gonna write every other day but if I don't then I'm probably busy or too tired cause I write these before bed so that no one will walk in on me writing them 💀😭

WC - 1012

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