Break up? Pt.2 - Gally 🌶️

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Heres Pt. 2 😝 Last part took 3 hours so lets hope this one doesn't (Just kidding, It's obviously gonna take longer because I've literally never written smut before).

Honestly I'm kinda nervous about this but its wtv



I got out of bed and started walking to the door. I only assumed it was Minho or Newt because they were usually the first ones to come to me when I'm crying but I was very wrong. I reach out and grab the wooden door knob before stopping, I took a deep breath before swinging the door open. I look up to see that the person was in fact not Minho or Newt, but Gally. We just stare at each other for a few seconds before he clears his throat.

"Can I come in?" He questions. I don't answer him I just step out of the way, leaving him room to walk in. He walks in and stands in the middle of the room as I close the door again. For a few minutes we just stand there in silence. I can tell Gally is mapping out my room. "Your room looks different" He says after a few seconds. I start moving around the room, picking up clothes as I answer. "Ya I uh, changed it after the breakup. Thought I needed a fresh start" I state as I turn around to look at him.

"Oh uh... makes sense" He says reaching up to rub the back of his neck. Before me and Gally broke up we took turns spending the night in each others rooms. It became a routine. After the break up however, Newt suggested I redo my room. I was hesitant at first but I agreed eventually because everything reminded me of him. "So is there a reason you're standing awkwardly in the middle of my room?" I ask, dropping the clothes I had into my hamper.

"Oh uh right. I came here to talk about us, if you want to...?" He said, a little hesitant. "Talk about what Gally? The fact that you broke up with me out of nowhere or the fact that you were caught fucking yourself to the thought of me?" I could see that the last question caught him off guard but I could also see the tent forming in his pants. "I guess both" He mumbled, looking anywhere but my eyes. "Gally why didn't you come to me? Newt and Minho said they heard you crying after our breakup" I mention as I walk closer to him.

"I didn't think you would let me get anywhere near you y/n. I regretted it the moment it happened but what was done was done and I didn't want to make you more upset. Im sorry y/n" he explained, eyes locked with mine. "Gally I would never turn you away, I love you" I stated as my eyes started to water. Gally just stared at me for a few seconds before he grabbed me by the waist.

He stared into my eyes for a few seconds before I felt his lips on mine. The kiss was slow and passionate, god I had missed this like crazy. Gally started walking me backwards until I hit the bed, causing my knees to buckle and fall backwards. He attached his lips back to mine while rubbing the back of my thighs. Gally squeezed my side causing me to gasp into the kiss. He took that as his opportunity to shove his tongue into my mouth. He didn't have to fight for dominance because I was gonna let him do whatever he wanted with me. I needed him.

Gally broke away from the kiss and began kissing and sucking on my neck. He took his time to get to my sweet spot, causing me to whimper. Gally finally reached my sweet spot and immediately started sucking which made me let out a breathy moan. He was wasting too much time on my neck, I needed him between my legs. "Gally please..." I breathed out as I felt his clothed cock rub up against my thigh. "Please what?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow. "Please fuck me."

That was all it took for Gally before he ripped his shirt and mine off. Gally made me sit up and reached behind me to get to my bra clasp. He quickly unclasped it and watched as my bra fell down my arms. He let out a groan and reached his hands out to cup my boobs. "You're so fucking beautiful Y/n" he said as he leaned in and started to kiss my boobs and nipples. Gally swirled his tongue around my left nipple, his hand massaging the other one. I let out tiny moans, as he continued to kiss and suck my breasts, going back and forth between the two.

"Gally I need you..." I whimpered out as he continued the attack on my boobs. "Where do you need me y/n, you have to tell me" he said looking up at me. "I need you inside me." Gally groaned before he started trailing kisses down my body until he got to my pants. "May I?" He asked, hooking his fingers around the top of my pants. I shook my head yes, which was all Gally needed before he pulled my pants down.  He placed his thumb on my soaked underwear and said "look at how wet you are for me." 

I moaned lightly as Gally stood up to unbuckle his belt and pull his jeans and boxers down. I looked at him and whimpered, causing him to groan. He was big. I could tell that he was big from the tent in his pants earlier but I was not expecting this. It kinda scared me considering nothings ever been in me besides my fingers a few times. Gally came back over to me and hooked his fingers in my panties before slowly pulling them down. What a tease.

"Gally hurry up, I need you so bad it hurts" I breathed out as Gally finally took my panties completely off. "Such a needy girl" he tsks as rubbed his cock between my folds. "Are you gonna be a good girl and stay quiet for me?" He questioned as he lined himself up with my entrance. "Yes Gally, just please be gentle with me" I said as his face visibly softened. "Of course baby."

Slowly he pushed into me, causing me to wince. He went completely in before stopping to give me time to adjust. After a minute or so, the pain started to turn into pleasure. "You can move now" I say as Gally slowly starts to move his hips in and out of me. Gally starts to move progressively faster causing me to let out small moans, trying to follow his command to stay quiet.

Gally leans over to kiss me as he starts bucking his hips into me hard. The more he's moving the louder my moans get, he feels too good. Gally muffles my moans with kisses as I scratch as his back with my nails. He won't be taking his shirt off for a while. Slowly I feel a knot forming in my stomach as Gally continues to pound into me, hitting my g-spot. I can tell he's close too because he starts groaning more.

"Mmm I'm about to-" "I know baby, me too, cum with me." Hearing that sends me over the edge as I moan out his name a little too loud. Gally helps me ride out my orgasm before slowly pulling out and cumming on my stomach.

Gally stands there panting before he leans over to kiss me. He grabs a rag from my bathroom to clean me and him up before he puts his boxers back on. He hands me my underwear and his shirt so that I'm comfortable before he lays down next to me.

"That was amazing" I say as I look over to him. "I agree but I think it's time to get some sleep, I'm like 90% sure most of the glade heard you moaning my name" he says snickering. "Probably but I don't care, I'm just glad you're back in my bed again" I said looking Gally dead in his eyes. "Me too... I love you y/n" he says as he leans towards me to peck my lips. "I love you too Gally, now time to sleep" I mumble as I start to get more tired. 

"Goodnight baby" Gally whispers while he kisses my head softly as I drift off into sleep.  Guess I wasn't over him.
HAHA DONE. Sorry that took so long. I wrote half of it a day after I posted part one but then stopped because I got scared of the smut 😣

Anyway it's done so tell me if you like it or anything I could do to make it better. Any help would be greatly appreciated 🙏

Anyway hope everyone has a good day/night. Love you 🫶

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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