More - Minho

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~ Minho's POV ~

I've never allowed myself to get close to her. Back in the Glade it seemed useless to get close to people, anyone could die at any point in time. Of course I've always felt protective of her, especially when we were in the scorch, when I finally started letting her in. Of course we were friends in the Glade but we only had small talk every now and then but now that we are in the Safe Haven everything's different. We are out of harms way now, we are safe. The closer I've gotten to her the more I realize that everything about her is amazing, she's incredibly smart and funny, not to mention her beauty. I've found my self starring at her more then I'd like but how can I not. I've always felt attached to her, even in the Glade but now it feels different. It feels like more. 

"Hey Minho!" I hear a cherry voice say as she plops down next to me. "Hello Y/n, what were you doing?" I questioned, noticing the dirt on her face and body. "I was wresting with Thomas, he always thinks that he can win against me. It's really funny to see his face when he looses" she says laughing. I feel a certain fuzziness as I watch her laugh at her memory of Thomas. "I was just about to head up to dinner, would you like to join me?" I ask when she finally stops laughing. "Of course Minho, I'm starving" she says standing up. She brushes her pants off before holding out one of her hands. I grab it as she helps me up, however she doesn't let go as we start walking towards the smell of dinner. 

We grab our food, causing our hands to let go of each other.  Suddenly I feel much colder then I was a few seconds ago. She looks around clearly scouting someone out. When she finally finds the person her eyes light up, I follow her gaze to a table. At the table sat out friends, Thomas, Brenda, Gally, and Frypan. She starts walking over to them, me not far behind. When we finally get to the table everyone is laughing and there is a certain feeling of lightness floating around. "Hey Minho and Y/n, you guys are late today. Your usually the first one over here Minho" Frypan points out causing everyone to snicker as me and Y/n sit down. "Haha, very funny Fry. I was waiting for Y/n" I said looking at him with a 'duh' look. "Oh right, because you have to look out for your girlfri-" Thomas is cut off by Brenda's elbow to his ribs as he grimaces in pain. Y/n gives them a look but continues eating.

~ Y/n's POV ~

 After dinner is when I go to the beach. It's very peaceful at night and its a good spot to think. Being in the Safe Haven has made me think about life and how hard it was in the Glade and the scorch. Everyone here is so carefree, even when we would party in the Glade everyone was still worrying about something. Here, everyone's concerns are nothing but silly little thoughts because no matter what, theres a way to fix it. Every night is a different thought for me. Some nights I'm thinking about Newt, Teresa, and all the other Gladers that died simply because of their blood. Some nights its about the anger I have towards WICKED and all the people that have wronged us. Tonight though, was about Him. 

He's always there. Even when I try to remove him from my thoughts, he's always lingering in the back of my mind. He makes me feel different. Seen. I don't feel this way for Thomas, Gally, and Fry and the reason is because I like him. Maybe even Love if I knew what that felt like. He does not feel the same though, just my luck right. He is kind and funny, even when he is being incredibly sassy. I've always liked him, even in the Glade but all my attempts to get close to him back then were shut down. Newt was the only one who knew about my schoolgirl crush on the Runner, now that Newt is no longer here I have no one to talk about it with. 

My thoughts had driven me away from my surroundings, not making me aware someone was walking towards me. Suddenly I heard someone sit down next to me bringing me out of my thoughts. I look to my right to see Minho sitting there starring up at the sky. "Pretty night tonight. I don't think I've ever seen so many stars, I love stars, they're my favorite" I say looking up at them as well. It's silent for a few seconds until I hear Minho speak. "Your my favorite star" he whispers. I look over at him again only to be met with brown eyes. "Y/n I have to tell you something" He said still starring into my eyes. "What's wrong Minho?" I question a look of concern and confusion on my face. 

"I..... I love you." I felt a chill run up my spine, Minho had looked away the second the words left his mouth. Those 3 words had just changed everything for me forever. Those 3 words just decided my fate in 5 seconds. I've been dreaming of hearing those 3 words since I was in the Glade. Now I just had to say it back. I moved my hand over to Minho's cheek and lightly pushed so that he's looking at me. "I love you too Minho" I say with as much confidence as I could muster.  

Suddenly I feel a pair of lips on mine. Minho moved his hands to my cheeks as mine moved to his chest. This is what I've been dreaming of since I came up in the box and now that it's happening it feels like a dream come true. The kiss is soft and passionate and feels like magic, like sparks flying. Minho very slowly pulls away and rests his forehead against mine, I open my eyes to find him smiling at me. I smile back realizing that this is the happiest I've ever felt. This moment in time will always be one my mind goes back to on nights where I can't sleep, on days where work is too boring. I suddenly realize that its Minho and me against the world and it always has been.  This doesn't feel like a schoolgirl crush, it feels like more. It is more. 


I hope this doesn't make you cringe because I really tried hard on the Romantic sappy stuff  

WC - 1124

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