Life and writing update!

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Sooooo It's been 2 days since I've written anything but I'm about to make that 3 because im super tired. I'm just making this update to explain to yall why I won't always be able to write.

So I have soccer practice every night and then when I get home I take like an hour long shower so It's makes it kinda hard to write. Im hoping tomorrow I'll be able to but I have a scrimmage and then I have to support Varsity by watching there's so it's a lot. I also start school next week and I'm super scared because it's a new school but cross my fingers I don't get lost on the first day. School is gonna interrupt my writing too because right after school is when I have games and practice.

Like I said it's a lot but I know the only way I'm going to get readers is if I write more so i'm trying really hard. I hope that once I get used to school it'll be easier but I know i'm not just gonna up and abandon this series because it's very fun to write the imagines and I'm really excited to see the feedback I get once I get more readers. In this point in time I have 230 reads on the dot and I'm very happy about that because that means 230 people have read my imagines, even if it was only for certain people.

Anyway that's all I needed to update about so I'll let you continue with what you were doing. Just a reminder that I try to post every other day. I still take requests for any person, boy or girl (Even platonic). Please though, make up your own. Don't try to add on to pre-existing imagines that I have, that just makes more work for me. 

Hope you have a good day or night 😊

                                                         - The Author (WC - 322) 

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