Business Vacation (Part 2)

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~L's POV~

I kept Watari on the radio the whole flight, even though there wasn't much to report. I had him make sure that everything was set up for us by the time we touched down in America and got through TSA. I also made sure to keep Y/N comfortable, even though he was asleep most of the flight. I always let him know how long he had slept and how much longer we had until we got there.

~Your POV~

I woke up, still groggy from my last nap. Lawliet quickly noticed I was awake and let me know that I had been asleep for another 3 hours, and that we would be landing in 20 minutes. He also told me that Watari had prepared everything for our arrival.

I spent the last few minutes of our flight anxiously gathering up my belongings and fiddling with my hands. 

When we finally touched down on the runway and were allowed off the plane, I was sweating with nervousness. I always hated going abroad because of TSA. They always made me anxious. Lawliet knew this, and held my hand tightly. I made sure to take off all my jewelry and take out any piercings I had in at the time before I even made it to the security checkpoint. Lawliet showed an ID to the TSA attendant, and they just ran us through the metal detector and let us go.

I sighed with relief as soon as we left the airport. My crushing headache was mostly gone by that time, and I was glad to be rid of it. I was a bit jetlagged, but fine otherwise. Outside the airport waiting for us was a black Mercedes and a blond man that I recognized immediately. Aiber was holding a sign that read "X". I knew it was for us. 

"Aiber!" I was excited to see him, since I hadn't seen him in person since the Kira case, "Is Wedy with you?"

"Not today Yume, she's on another job currently in Washington. She will be joining you on Wednesday though."

"Great! I'll be excited to see her again."

We hopped in the backseat of Aiber's Mercedes and began our trip to the Kansas countryside.

Nearly as soon as we left Kansas City, our view changed from tall buildings and people to fields of corn and windmills and the occasional stingy gas station. I could've sworn there was only about 15 in the entire state, and none of them were at all nice.

About an hour later, we turned onto a dirt road nearly obscured by long and expansive cornfields. I wasn't really used to driving so long, and it really put into perspective how large America was compared to other countries I'd been to. 

~30 minutes later, Your POV~

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~30 minutes later, Your POV~

We finally made it to the old farmhouse that Joseph was said to live in. There were two trucks in the driveway, one was a shade of rusty red and the other had a fresh coat of blue paint. I assumed these were the trucks of Joseph and possibly his brother.

Lawliet and I interlocked our fingers and we walked to the door and knocked.

(hehehe cliffhanger)

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