Storm Day

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I rushed home as soon as I could, trotting as fast as I could without dropping anything.

I got back to the apartment fairly quickly.

I stepped in the door, drenched in rainwater.

"L! I'm back!" I shouted.
"You're early Y/N." He walked up to me. "Oh god Y/N why are you all wet?"
"It's raining hard outside," I replied. As if it was confirmation of the fact, thunder rumbled outside.

Lawliet walked off, only to return a moment later with a towel and a set of soft pajamas.
"Watari is running you a warm bath." He tossed the items to me.
"Thank you." I took the pajamas and rushed to the bathroom. I didn't want to get sick from the cold rain.

Watari greeted me as I entered.
"Your warm bath, as requested." He left the room.

I soon began my soak in the tub. It was heavenly, having a nice bath after some cold rain.

 It was heavenly, having a nice bath after some cold rain

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~L's POV~

I once again debated the possible outcomes to telling Yume how I felt.

There were three options.
The positive outcome: Y/N would actually return my feelings and we would be... dating. (This happens to be the most likely and most preferred outcome)

The neutral outcome: The feelings would not be returned, but there are no harsh feelings and we remain friends, even if it is a bit strange for a while. (This is not preferable but still better than the negative outcome.)

The negative outcome: Y/N does not return feelings, and begins to abandon me. He moves out, and we never speak again. (The least preferred outcome.)

Since the positive outcome seemed to be the most likely, I needed to decide how I was going to tell him. So far, I had 3 plans to this as well.

L plan: I give Y/N a love letter, similar to his that he has hidden currently. This way I can express my feelings romantically, without being too straightforward.

Y/N plan: I wait. Y/N may eventually give me the letter. However, this plan does seem to take some time, and I am not the most patient person.

L's "wait and see" plan: Wait, but only for a few weeks, maybe a month at most. If Y/N does not give me the letter in that amount of time, I will give him mine. This is probably the best plan.

So now, the only matter was to compose a letter for him.

Apparently, that matter was to wait for another day, as I heard Y/N's voice from the bedroom.

"Lawliet! I need to ask you something!"

I stood up from my chair, headed over to see what Yume was up to now.

"Yes Y/N?" I asked.
"Can I borrow one of your shirts? I'm all out and I was hoping I could use one of yours," Y/N said as I walked into the room. I didn't register the words quickly enough to stop before I walked in.

I had just walked in on a shirtless Y/N.

He laughed nervously and I covered my eyes.
"Sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to walk in on you like that." I tried to keep my cool, but I felt my face flush.
"Um, no it's okay. Anyways, can I borrow one?"
"Yes, go ahead."
"Thank you Lawlipop!"

He gave me a quick hug and rushed over to my closet. The feeling of his skin was a feeling I would never forget.

I opened my eyes again, and watched as he put on one of my shirts. One of my signature white shirts. I didn't know such a small moment could mean so much to me.

(Haha sorry it's been so long since I last posted! I've been really caught up in life recently but I'm starting to have more free time again!)

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