Chapter 1

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It was back to school day today. It was the first day of Beomgyu at Magic high land. He was nervous. He was arriving at the beginning of the second year, because he moved with his brother. It was a new school he will have to find new friends and it was terrifying. The last school he came to, was a bad dream, a terrible experience where he was bullied for being gay and being good at school.

But he took a deep breath and woke up. After clothing, he walked down the stairs, straight to the kitchen where his brother had left a plate with a note where he was wishing him a good first day at school. Beomgyu smiled at the note and began to eat his breakfast. After he'd finished, he prepared his stuff for school and left the appartement after locking it.

The street they were living in was pretty. And he was well aware about the fact that his big brother was working really hard to be able to offer them this life. So Beomgyu decided that he would do the cleaning tasks, so it will not be another bother for his brother.

While he was thinking about all he could do to help his sibling, the bus arrived, which took him out of his trans. He walked in the vehicle and sat on a place. He was looking sometime, to see how the student who were in the bus were acting. To have a first impression on the person he could possibly meet at his school.


It seems that everyone was aware that there would be a new student and the were all really excited, even more the ones who were in the same class as him.

When he arrived at school, Beomgyu slowly got out of the bus. He was nervous. The school was giant and there was a lot of students. He lowered his head a went straight on the inside of the building. The brown haired went to the secretariat, as fast as he could walk.

"Hi...I'm Choi Beomgyu, the new student..."

"Oh yes, give me a second and I will guide you to your class"

"There it is, that's some documents you have to complete. These are the books you will need and if you have any problem, this is the number of your teacher, the director and the secretariat."

"Thank you"

"Okay, follow me"

Beomgyu was quietly following her through the long hallway.

"It's quite impressive right ?" The woman asked.

"Yeah...I've never been to such a school before"

"Oh, we're here"

She opened the door...

"Mr Jung, I'm sorry to interrupt your class, there is a new student for you."

"There's no problem, thank you for bringing him to his class. So, class a little interruption, we are having a new student today. I would like you to be respectful and to talk to him."

The secretary left and Beomgyu came to the class.

"Could you introduce yourself ?"

"Hi, my name is Choi Beomgyu, I'm 19 and I hope we will be good friends."

"Thank you Beomgyu so I think you can sit next to Yunjin, could you raise your hand please Yunjin"

The brown haired went to his place and right after the girl continued to talk to another girl, Beomgyu assumed they were friends.


The classes were pretty easy for Beomgyu and the time went fast until the lunch break. He stayed a little longer in his class and there was a group of boys who were standing at the opposite of the class. The were whispering...

"The new boy is a little bit to much right ?" The first one said.

"You say this because you're jealous ?"
The second answered.

"No ! You said it too"

"I mean yeah he's right it's weird to be like that..." A third boy said.

Beomgyu was trying to not give attention to their saying but it was hard. Suddenly the fourth boy, who hadn't said anything already, came toward him.

"Hi ! I'm Taehyun !"

"I'm Beomgyu..."

The friends of Taehyun were as surprised as Beomgyu...

"Hey bro, what are You doing ?" One of the boy asked.

"I'm going to spend sometime with another friend !" He simply answered

"Come on let's go Beomgyu !"

And Beomgyu followed Taehyun to the cafeteria.



"Taehyun, call me that !"

"Call me Beomgyu. Is it just an impression or is everyone looking at us ?"

"I mean, you're the new student, so it's normal. It'll stop in a week."

"It's going to be the longest week of my life..."

"Don't worry, if anyone bother you, tell me."

"Thank you I guess..."

When they were finished with their meal, they went back to class. Not soon latter, the two girls who were talking while Beomgyu sat next to them, arrived. The taller one turned to the brunet and introduced herself.

"Hi ! My name is Yunjin ! And this is Chaewon ! I'm sorry I ignored you earlier but if you want we could be friends !"

"Um...hi, I..."

"Hey Yunjin" It was Taehyun...

"Taehyun ! You know him ?"

"Yes, we ate together at the cafeteria earlier."

"Oh great ! We're coming with you next time !"

"Ok if it doesn't bother you Beomgyu ?"

"No, it would be really great to have you with us !"

To be continued...

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