Chapter 14

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The ride was quiet. The only noise was the songs that were on the radio. Yeonjun was surprised, he knew something was wrong and he was feeling guilty because he liked the silence while he was driving.

"The girls already took a room, we'll have to separate in two others. Let's talk about it when we're at the house"

He said to try to appease the atmosphere


They all took the luggages inside the house. And the oldest suddenly spoke.

"Let's go on the sofa and speak about the rooms"

Everyone listened and soon they were all sat

"So, there's a room with two beds and one with four"

Huening Kai exclaimed quickly

"I want to be with Taehyun Heesung and Beomgyu hyung !"

"Ok, so I guess I'm going with Yeonjun hyung..."

The two oldest seemed to be visibly pissed off but they didn't wanted to make a  fuss out of nothing. After that, they all took their stuff in the rooms.


"The traitor...he betrayed me !"

Yeonjun was now for some minutes listening to the complaints of his friend.

"I'm having so much fun when I'm with him, but maybe it's just me..."

"Happy to know I'm not fun to stay with..."

"That's obviously not what I was trying to say and you know it !"

"Listen, you're not the only one who would've liked to be with someone else, but I mean it's not that bad in the end"

"Yeah, I guess your right"

They were interrupted by Yunjin who came in their room to almost yell at her brother

"We're hungry ! So we're going to get something to eat, are you coming with us ?"

"Is Hueningie coming ?"

"Yes and the three other too"

"Ok, so we're coming !"

"Hey ! Why are you speaking for me ?!"

"I know you want to come hyung..."


On their way Beomgyu was super energetic mostly speaking to Heesung. And it seems like someone wasn't too pleased by this, again...

"Stop death glaring everyone who's approaching him, for god sake. Just confess"

"Taehyun, if you say something like that one more time I'm not just going to death glare at you..."

"Ok, calm down. I was just giving you an advice"

"Taehyun !"

Beomgyu, who's attention was until now all on Heesung, appeared next to Yeonjun

"Hyung ? Is everything ok ?"

"AH ! B-Beomgyu ?! For how long were you there ?"

"I just arrived why ?"


"Hyung and me were talking about sensitive subjects"

"Oh ok..."

"Well anyway, I'm going to let the two of you together, bye"

"Oh, ok"

Taehyun went to Heesung who was stuck between the gums and the girls. When he left, Beomgyu turned to the oldest.

"So, hyung, how are you ?"


The brown haired was surprised by the dry answer. What should he say now ? He was kind of stressed. Wasn't able to take a look at Yeonjun's face.

"You seem kind of tensed. Did anything happened ?"


"Beomgyu, why don't you go talking with Hueningie ? I have to talk to Yeonjun hyung"

Soobin probably noticed something was going on with his best friend.


"So ? Now that it's just us you can plot it out. What happened for you to be that mean to Beomgyu ?"


"You're aware he didn't deserved it, right ?"

"I know, it's just... everything, the room thing and after that Taehyun who's not able to leave me alone"

"I kind of agree with him though, you should confess. But when you're ready. You don't need to feel pressured. You still have time and the two of you don't know each other that well. Still, the more you wait the more you'll have competition. I'm not going to lie because you're my best friend, Beomgyu is actually incredibly pretty and cute. Not as much as Kai though"

"Be careful Soobinie, my hand could accidentally end up in your face"

"Yeah, yeah, keep your threat for yourself and apologise to him"


Once they bought all they needed to eat, the group came back to the house. On the way, Yeonjun apologised to Beomgyu, and of course the younger was being really comprehensive. It almost saddened the taller, because Beomgyu was always accepting his apologises even if for him, none of them deserved Beomgyu's acceptance.

When they arrived, all of them took the bags they had and began to get out all of the drinks and the food. Yunjin, as enthusiastic as always said...

"We could watcha movie together after dinner !"

"Yeah, why not, what kind ?"

Yeonjun asked

"I was thinking about action, and even if it's not that good, it doesn't really matter since we're all together !"

They all smiled and agree about what Yunjin said.

Once they were finish eating, the went to their room and reunited all the pillows and blankets. The living room was wide, there was a huge tv and two sofas in front of it. The girls sat on one of them next to the two gums, and the four others comfortably settled down on the other sofa. Beomgyu and Heesung were in the middle, Taehyun lean against Heesung and Yeonjun against Beomgyu.

At the beginning all of them were absorbed by the film, but after a while, some of them were already asleep. Soobin was sleeping against Huening Kai's shoulder, Heesung head was going backward and the girls already went up (more for gossiping than for sleeping). Yeonjun was slowly but surely falling asleep on Beomgyu's shoulder.

"Seems like we are the only three left. I'm going to go in the room with Heesung. Join us after you took these two in their room"

"Ok, see you later"

The film was coming to his end. The youngest took a look at the two oldest in the room.

"They're so cute !"

"That was so sudden"

Beomgyu said giggling

"That is true though"

"Yeah, you're right"

"You know that I'm going to find what you're hiding, right ?"

"W-what ?"

"Come on, you know what I'm talking about. We'll talk about it tomorrow night in the dorm. With Heesung Hyung and Taehyunie"

"Ugh, I'm not really discreet, right ?"

"I'm sorry, saying otherwise would be lying"

To be continued...

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