Chapter 2

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The first week at his new school went incredibly great. He was able to make friends and the classes were still easy for him. The girls of his class (excepted Yunjin and Chaewon) at school were annoying though, they were always around him...but now it was the weekend, he'll be able to talk with his brother.

"So Beomgyu-ha how was your first week at your new school ?"

"It was really good, Taehyung hung !"

"I'm glad to hear it ! Tell me if anything is going wrong. I won't allow any kind of bad treating again !" (Not that Taehyung was aware of the treatment his little brother was getting at his last school)

"Thank you ! But I really think it'll be alright this time ! I have wonderful friends who are ready if anything happens !"

"That's a good thing"


Let's do it like that:


Hey all of you !!!
I was thinking we could
do something tomorrow !


Ow yes ! Totally in !!!


It's alright for me,
what about you Beoms ?


Let me ask my brother...


"Hyung ?"

"Yes ? What is it ?"

"My friends proposed me to go out with them tomorrow. I don't know if you wanted us to do something together ?"

"No, it's ok ! I'm going to ask my friend if he wants to do something with me."

A grin appeared on the mouth of the younger sibling.

"Thank you ! Say hello to your "friend" Jungkook hyung from me !"

The older blushed and looked somewhere else...


Let's do it like that:


I'm in too !


Yay !!!


At Yunjins house:

"Ya ! Yunjin-ha ! Are you finished screaming ?!"

"Aren't you lazy of ruining my mood ?!" Yunjin answered to her brother

"If you wasn't screaming all the time I wouldn't have to !"

"Ugh...leave my room"

"No, I know you won't stop. That's not because your girlfriend is texting you that you have to be like that !"

"Y'a Choi Yeonjun ! Couldn't you shut your mouth for two seconds ?!"

"Don't get on my nerves in that case !"

"You're not better anyway, you're not even capable of finding a boyfriend..."

Without waiting longer, her brother left the room without saying a word.


The day after:

The group of friend went in the center and the walked a little bit talking about anything. After sometime they went searching for a bubble tea after what they went into a park. They all sat in the grass...

"Aaah, it's so good to have a day outside of the house, far away from my brother..." Yunjin sighted

"You have a brother too ?" Beomgyu asked

"Yup an older one. He's annoying af..."

"Oh, I have an older brother too but mine is really the best. He's working really hard to offer us a good life and he's really sweet."

"Why is it your brother who does this, I mean working for you ?" Taehyun asked

The brunet went silent for a moment. Wondering if talking about it was a good decision.

"Well...I was being kicked out by my parents. My big brother decided to find a good job and he took me with him here."

"Why was you kicked out ? I mean you sound all a parent would like his child to be ?!" Yunjin was surprised


Again the younger was silent

"You're not obligated too—"

"I don't like girls..."

There was a little moment of silence before Yunjin speak again...

"Just this ?"


"I'm glad I don't have your parents, I would've been kicked out a long time ago."

"So it doesn't disgust you ?" Beomgyu asked

"No, obviously not" Taehyun answered

"Well if you was bother by this Tae, I wouldn't be your friend !" Yunjin said

"Are you dumb or what ?! I'm aromantic !"

"Yeah, and everyone knows that Chae and me aren't exactly straight either."

"You two are together ?" The new student asked innocently

"No ! We are just friends !" Yunjin quickly answered

"Oh, I see"

"Well anyway, we have school tomorrow so that's not that I don't like you but I'm going to head home and sleep."

The four friends parted way and went to bed after arriving at their house.

To be continued...

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