Chapter 10

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‼️mention of drug‼️
‼️bad talking‼️


It was Monday, again. For Beomgyu it was the worse part of the week. He hated it but he hated even more now that everyone in his school him included were aware of his power. Because of that the brown haired boy was nervous and scared of being bullied or beaten up.

"Hey Beomgyu !"

He recognised the voice. It was Taehyuns one. The younger was followed by their other friends. Immediately, he was borrowed by Chaewon. Since they had a conversation just the two of them, they found out they had a lot in common and became close.

"Hey Beoms would you like to come with me on Friday afternoon ? I was thinking to go to an art shop and do some paintings, since you told me you painted too sometimes, I was thinking we could go together !"

"Yeah, Why not ! I have nothing else to do !"

"Great !"

Yunjin was not near them and was looking at them...

"Are you ok Yunjin ?" Taehyun asked

"Yeah, I'm just a little surprised that these two are going along that well"

"You're jealous ?" Soobin asked

"What ?! No ! I'm not why would I ?!"

"I don't know, maybe because you're obviously seeing her as more than a friend and you're scared that Beomgyu would take the place ?"

"Shut up !"

They were all surprised, Beomgyu and Chaewon were now looking in their direction. Yunjin turned around.

"You don't know anything"

And she left.

"Yunjin ! Wait !"

The other girl asked

"I-I teased her, I wasn't thinking it would have this effect on her..." Soobin said

"I'm going after her" Chaewon informed the group

"I'm coming with you !" Kazuha said


Soon after the girls had left, Yeonjun arrived. He came later than the other because he forgot to wake up. He was in a good mood at first but seeing his friends looking weird, he began to have a bad feeling.

"What is happening here ?"

They all turned in his direction then looked at Soobin.

"Well, I kind of upset your sister..."



"Oh Im not going to kill you, but Yunjin is surely going to"

"I'm dead right ?"

They all nodded


The class were annoying for all of them as usual. For Beomgyu it was awkward though, he was feeling the stares of some of his classmates. It began the last week after the power training. The brown hair hates their stares but he prefers them to words or actions.

He tried to concentrate on what the teacher was saying and it worked at least a little bit, until some paper was given to him by one of his classmate who was not one of his friend.

𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 | (𝐛𝐞𝐨𝐦𝐣𝐮𝐧/𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐲𝐮)Where stories live. Discover now