Chapter 12

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I have some lack of inspiration but I'm writing when something comes into my mind. Thank you for reading :)

‼️ Non-consenting touch ‼️
‼️ Bad speaking ‼️

It was the second day Beomgyu would be able to practice his magic. To develop it and to learn using it. He was exercising on trees when they were outside and sometime on animals when they were inside. If he had nothing to heal, he had to read books to have a better understanding of how his magic works.

Today they were outside. All of his friends were around him so he wasn't feeling glared a by other students. Chaewon was really supportive.

"Come on ! We know you can do it !"

Beomgyu took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he posed his hands on the hurt tree.

"It's working" Taehyun said impressed by his friend.

The healer opened his eyes and saw that the wound had disappeared. The teacher came toward them.

"Good job Beomgyu, i didn't think you would learn that easily !"

Even if he was happy to know that he was progressing really fast, he heard some of the comments of the other students.

"*Look, the fag was able to use his magic*"

"*I bet it was just luck*"

Beomgyu kept a smile in front of the teacher, but when she left he was taken in the arm of Huening Kai. He was surprised because it wasn't really the type of the younger but he was still feeling a little bit better.


Today was exhausting for everyone in the group. Most of them went home but Beomgyu had to wait for Soobin. The taller had lent him his sport t-shirt since Beomgyu had forgotten his. It was way too big but at least he had clothes. He was now alone waiting for the older. He had insisted on his friends for them to head home already because he didn't knew how much time he would have to wait.

Not too long after his friends left, a group of boy approached him.

"Look what we have here !" The first one said

"Looks like a poor little fag" the second increase

Beomgyu was petrified. Incapable of moving or screaming, he was just waiting for whatever would happened to him.

"I have a little question for you" the first guy said "are you able to heal your own body ?"

The brown haired boys eyes went wide...

"I'll take that as a yes. Boys, hold him"

The four other boys that were with him hold his arms and his legs. That's at since that moment that he began to panic.

"What are you planing to do ?!"

"Nothing special. Come on it'll be funny"

He watched the boy as he was taking his t-shirt up. Suddenly he stopped. But Beomgyu wasn't feeling relived about this move.

"Wow, I never thought we would discover this if we were lifting your T-shirt. Look at that body. Just as a girl"

As he was still being hold the boy began to let his hands travel on Beomgyu's body who was willing to die at this moment.

"Leave me alone...please..."

"Your funny"

The boy continued and the consciousness of Beomgyu left him. He wasn't there anymore. He was not feeling anything anymore. He was feeling empty. And suddenly he felt his body biting the floor and quietly he was gaining his feelings back. He was hearing a voice he knew caking for him.

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