Chapter 9

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I wanted to post earlier but I had a loss of imagination. I hope you'll enjoy it. I honestly don't know what to think about this chapter so don't hesitate to give your opinion.

‼️mention of death‼️


"I was thinking we could go to the center after and taking time for us. Eating in the park doing shopping !" Yunjin proposed while Chaewon was nodding

"We're in ! Right Soobinie ?"


"Ok Im in too in that case" Yeonjun said

They all turned to Beomgyu...

"I-I don't really know ! Ive never—"

"Come on, it's going to be fun !" The youngest said

"O-ok, let me send a message to my brother"

"Yay !"



Hey Hyung, I'm sorry i won't be here today I'm going in the center with my friends !


Don't worry ! It's really great to see that you have friends to hang out with. I'll see you later in that case. Have a good day !


The six of them took a shower, one after the other, and after they had their stuff ready, they left the house to go to the center. The walk wasn't actually that long. But for Beomgyu it was extremely slow. The two girls were stuck together and the gums were obviously too. So it was only letting him and Yeonjun.

For some reasons, Beomgyu was finding the older one really imposant. There wasn't a big difference between their eight but the other one had something scary. Every time he was hearing his voice, Beomgyu was shivering.

"Everything is alright ?"

"Y-yeah" he again answered without looking at the other.

"Did I do something bad ?"

"What ?"

"You look like I had done something terrible to you..."

"No it's just..."

The smaller one didn't know if he should say this.

"Just what ?"

"You're scary"

Yeonjun felt his heart breaks. He hadn't think the brown haired one would say it like that. It wasn't like he never had this kind of comments, but to hear it from him was disheartening.

"I'm sorry...that's not what I wanted"

When he heard the excuse from the older, Beomgyu began to feel guilty.

"It's...don't worry, I'm always scared, you shouldn't take my opinion too seriously..."

"It's ok. I'm used to it."

The younger was feeling even more guilty now. But he didn't really had the time to speak more since they were now in the center.


At first they went to some shop to eat. They took a lot of snacks and things like that. But all the time they were buying the food, Yeonjun seemed to be off and his sister saw that.

"Yeonjun ? What is happening ?"

"It's nothing..."

"I know it's not nothing. You can tell me anything you know ?"

"I know but...just not now"

"Ok, if you promise me you'll tell me later"

"I promise"

And the younger returned to her friend. According to Yeonjun, she was really lucky. Yunjin was someone who was respected in their school but nobody was scared of her conversely to Yeonjun. Honestly he had never given a shit about it, but now that there was was different.


Once they arrived in the park they found a place under a tree and all of them sat on the blanket they had taken with. Once they were all there the oldest exclaimed he wanted to knows about others power even if it was more to be aware of Beomgyu's one. So everyone him included showed their abilities. Soobin and Chaewon had defensive powers. The tallest was able to invoke spells that were blocking the ennemies magic and the girl was able to create shields, the height was dependent of how much magic she was using. Yujin was using a power who was linked to crystal which was giving her an incredibly good sense of touch and it was giving possibilities to attack with her crystal too. Yeonjun had a magic of water, he could create it but it was better to be near a water point because the creation of it was really exhausting. The last three introduced theirs as well. The power of Taehyun was linked to the control of fire. Huening Kai could control wind and was able to fly too but not really high. And the one of Beomgyu was a healing one (Little reminder). When Yeonjun heard the power of Beomgyu, his eyes widened. The younger saw it and he immediately lowered his head.

"Beomgyu's power is a healing one ?!" The oldest said.

"Yes !" His sister answered

He suddenly turned to the younger who thought he would be laugh at.

"Listen ! You have to do everything you can to develop it ! These kind of magic are extremely important and rare since most of the time the man who were in possession of those were killed and—"

"Shut up ! Bro !" Yunjin yelled at him


"Stop pressuring him like that ! From where do you even have the informations of the kills ?"

"I...I know someone who lose his boyfriend. Some boys went aware of his ability and they found it "too gay" so they beat him up. But at the end the emergency services were too late..."

After Yeonjun's story there was an immense blank. It was unbearable so the youngest of them found a way to distract them by faking a loss of balance. What he hadn't planned was that he was going to fall on Soobin. In the end they were in a really ambiguous position. Beomgyu let a little laugh escape his lips and it triggered everyone's laugh.

"I'm so sorry Soobin Hyung !!!"

"I-it's ok..."

"Get a room" Yeonjun said to which his sister reacted immediately.

"Aww, someone's jealous !"

"Hey ! Im not jealous ! They just don't need to bother us with their love !"

Since the siblings were yelling at each other and the two tallest were trying to hide their furious blush, the last two decided to speak together. It was the first time they really was able to.

"We weren't able to speak just the two of us until now !"

"That's right !"

"You have a brother right ? How is he ?"

"He's incredibly kind, always here for me and he's quite handsome too I won't lie !"

"Well you're quite handsome yourself"

"Ah...thank you"

They were so absorbed by their discussion that they didn't noticed the two pairs of eyes that were glaring at them...

To be continued...

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