Chapter 4

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Wednesday of the second week:

All the students of the class were in the gymnase. Most of them were waiting patiently for the teacher to come. Beomgyu was just nervous, his friends were with him but the pressure was a little too much. Taehyun turned to him...

"Hey, it's going to be alright"

"Yeah, he's right, I was scared at first too but you'll see" it was Chaewon this time, who answered

The teacher arrived and called them.

"Come here please ! So as you know we have a new student so it's going to be the same group as usual but I would like Taehyun and Huening Kai to take Beomgyu with them !"

"Alright !" the two answered

"Great ! So now, we have new mannequin to train yourself with. I would ask you to be a minimum careful with them please."

After the teachers explication, the three boys went to one of the mannequin. Taehyun and Huening Kai showed to Beomgyu what he was supposed to do. The older was mesmerised, Taehyun was able to create huge flames while Huening Kai was controlling the wind.

"So try it now !"

Beomgyu concentrated and when he was feeling ready he let out his power...but nothing happened. There was a light for some seconds but nothing more. He was feeling ashamed. Taehyun looked at him and knew immediately what was happening in his mind.

"Hey, there is no big deal ! You was able to do a light, that means you're able to do magic. Maybe your not trained enough or maybe it is something that has a different use than offensive."

"He's right, it's not because you can't see the effects of your power that it means you can't use it."

The teacher came toward them...

"Is everything alright ?"


"They power of Beomgyu didn't materialise"


Suddenly, the all heard a scream.

"What is it ?" The teacher asked

"It's Jeongin ! He hurt himself !"

"Come on Beomgyu"

Beomgyu was surprised about the demand of his teacher. They moved forward the wounded student.

"Come on, give me your hand."

Beomgyu did as said. The teacher took it and positioned it on the wound of the other one.

"Now active your power"

"What ?! But-"

"Trust me"

And he did so. The light appeared and after he took his hand away. He wasn't looking at the other student. Taehyun who saw everything, said...

"Beomgyu ! You have a healing power !"

"Pff, this is a power of girl..."

After hearing this, Beomgyu stood up and ran away from the gymnase.

"Beomgyu !!!"

The teacher put his hand on the shoulder of Taehyun...

"Give him time"

Taehyun lowered his head


Beomgyu hide at the back of the school and began to cry.

"I'm so hopeless..."

All he could think about was the comment of his classmate that made old memories coming back.

"Why am I like this ?"


It was an hour now, since Beomgyu had left his class. He was curled up and didn't hear that someone was coming. When he felt a presence, he quickly straightened his head and saw the student he'd heal.

"Hey ! Beomgyu, i wanted to say thank you. It don't hurt anymore thanks to you. Your power is really cool, have a good use of it."

Beomgyu had wide eyes. Surprised by the intervention of the boy. He stood up and followed the other to the front of the school again.

"Beoms !!!"

"Taehyun ?"

"God, where was you ?!"

"I'm sorry..."

"It's ok, come on"

Huening Kai and Jeongin looked at them, happy Beomgyu was feeling better.

To be continued...

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