Chapter 17

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Hi, just to be sure before you read, I don't have anything against any idol, it is just for the story :)


The days at Jeju went by and it was already the end. Realising this, everyone was now really down. But for Beomgyu it wasn't that bad. He enjoyed being with his friends so much but every time he had an interaction with Yeonjun he was tensed a little bit.

They ride back was silent, they were all tired and they were sleeping on each other while they were on the boat. The travel was a little bit long and cold but it was alright since they were all curled up against each other.


The following days since they still had a week of vacation they all hang out together. Sometimes Yeonjun wasn't there since he still wanted to take time with Changbin and Wooyoung obviously.
But one day as they had all planned to do something, Beomgyu saw Yeonjun coming with four other boys. They all seemed imposant to him and suddenly he was back to his extremely shy person. He stayed toward Taehyun and Heesung because he knew that nothing was going to happens there. They greeted everyone and after that Yeonjun took them toward Beomgyu.

"This is Beomgyu he came this year in our school"

"Oh ! So you're Beomgyu ! I'm Changbin, I finally meet you !"

"I'm Wooyoung and this is my boyfriend San"

Beomgyu looked at the last person here

"You're Jeongin ? Right ?"

"Hi Beomgyu, thanks again ! My wound was definitely healed by your power I don't have any scars !"

"That was not a big deal, it was thanks to you I discovered what my power is, I a sense"

Yeonjun who was listening as well as the others asked curious and with a bit of jealousy in his voice

"You two know each other ?"

"Yeah ! Beomgyu healed me when I hurt myself in the training class"

"Oh I see..."

Latter, the group scan in two. Yeonjun was with Changbin, Wooyoung, San and Soobin decided to stay by their side too. And the rest of them were another group. Soobin who was just following and not much talking was eyeing Huening Kai. They younger was shining in prettiness.

"Huening-Ah !"

"Soobinie hyung ?"

"Could you come two seconds ?"

"Um, yes"

The two of them went away from the group for a moment. Everyone was surprised and the friends of Yeonjun were confused. They waited for them to comeback in order to continue their walk.

At the view of the two tallest coming back eyes all lovely, most of their friends made a face, Beomgyu was smiling and Yeonjun had no emotion on his face. He was so jealous interiorly...Beomgyu turned to him.

"Are you alright hyung ?"

Immediately Yeonjun smiled at him

"Yeah ! They're cute together"

"Yes, they are. I'm happy they figured it out !"

"Do you want me to take you back home ?"

"I don't want to bother you"

"I would like to !"

"Ok, let's go in that case"

They said goodbye to their friends and went to Beomgyus appartement.

"Thanks a lot hyung"

"No worries, it was fun talking with you"

But while there were talking a last time, they heard the door opened behind Beomgyu.

"Oh Yeonjun-ah, how are you doing ?"

"Hi, I'm fine hyung, thank you"

"Come on in !"

"Oh no, actually I was just taking Beomgyu back"

"Come on, I can cook for us, one of my friend is here too anyway. Beomgyu will feel less lonely"

And before any of them could say anything Taehyung took the two of them inside the appartement. Yeonjun ended eating there and sleeping there again.

"I'm sorry hyung I didn't wanted to force you"

"I'm the one who's sorry, I'm taking space in your room again"

"That's nothing"

"Well it doesn't bother me either to sleep here"


When they went back to school, their habits stayed. They were hanging out in the week end. Beomgyu and Yeonjun were growing closer until one day. This day Yeonjun had asked Beomgyu to wait for him after school, so after he finished his class he went to the front of the building but unfortunately, when he arrived someone was already there and it was not Yeonjun.

"Look at what we have here"

"I don't want any problem"

"What are you doing here at this time ? Your class are finished right ? Everyone is already gone for almost ten minutes now"

"I'm waiting for someone"

"Who ?"

"Yeonjun hyung"

"Yeonjun. Poor little thing, you can't see it right ?"

"What ?"

"He's playing with you. He doesn't want to talk with you because he appreciate you but because you're easy to play with"

"You're saying nonsense"

"Are you sure ? Think about it, why would someone like him hang out with someone like you ?"


"He could be friend with anyone and have any girl but he would prefer talking with a fag ?"

Beomgyu's head was turning he was not feeling well and he wanted to cry and scream. Suddenly he heard a voice he knew too well

"Yiren ! What did you do to him ?!"

"I told him the truth"


" to me ever again"

He said before running as fast as he could

"Beomgyu !"

"You see, he's gone you don't need that fag"

"Shut up..."

"What ?"

"And for your information...I'm bisexual"

He knew the school would know by the next day but all that mattered at the moment was Beomgyu, he had to find him...

To be continued...

𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 | (𝐛𝐞𝐨𝐦𝐣𝐮𝐧/𝐲𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐲𝐮)Where stories live. Discover now