Chapter 8

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I listen to this song a lot when I'm writing. It's really good in my opinion :) hope you'll enjoy !!!


Beomgyu woke up in an unknown place before he remembered he was at Yunjin's place yesterday. He was dizzy and his head was hurting like hell. Why had he drank so much ? He tried to sit on the sofa, managing to take back his lucidity.

He suddenly heard some noise and saw the two girls coming down the stairs.

"*oh, sorry Beomgyu, did we woke you up ?*"

"*no, it's ok, what are you doing ?*"

"*we are going to buy some stuff for the breakfast. Stay here and rest a little bit more. You drank a lot yesterday*"

"*i can feel that*"

They left and Beomgyu was alone again. He scanned the room and remarked that another person was sleeping on the other sofa. They person moved and Beomgyu recognised Yeonjun, the brother of his friend. He truly was handsome, the younger admitted that it was normal girls were falling for him, not excusing their comportements toward him though.

After long minutes of staring at the black haired boy, Beomgyu fell asleep again.


Soobin and Huening Kai were now awake and up. They had cuddle for a long time before deciding to go out of the bed. When the arrived down the stairs the saw the two other boys laying on the two sofas. A little smile took place on their mouth, the avoid bothering them they went in the kitchen and dining room (the two were one big room) and sat on a chair.

"Yeonjun is totally whipped for this boy, what was his name again ?"

"Beomgyu, I think something could happen if one of them decide to take the lead."

They suddenly heard some noise in the living room and soon after they saw a tired Yeonjun coming toward them.

"You had a good night ?" The taller asked.

"Hm...hard to say, my head is hurting too much..."

"You shouldn't had drink so much..."

"Thank you Soobin for this advice that is really useful now that the party is behind..."

Huening Kai let a laugh escape his mouth...

"You're on his side now ?"

"No, of course not Soobinie !"

"Ugh...stop making so much noise"

"Hm, what happened ? That's not you who ask this normally. Is it because of our new friend who's sleeping ?"

"N-No, it's just annoying..."

While Yeonjun was laying on the door frame Beomgyu arrive behind him. The taller, who felt a presence, turned around. He jumped and let a cry of surprise escape his lips when he saw the younger. Beomgyu immediately apologised.

"I'm so sorry !"

Soobin who was laughing hard with Huening Kai said...

"Don't worry, he's always like that"

"Shut up big bunny !"

"Oh come on ~ it's true ! Why are you so afraid to hear the truth ?"

Yeonjun groaned and crossed his arms. He saw that the new little friend of his sister looked a little bit confused.

"Are you ok ?"

"Yunjin and Chaewon are still out ?" he said more looking in the direction of Soobin and Huening Kai than at Yeonjun. The older was beginning to feel hurt. Was there something about him that was scary ?

"Yes, probably, or they are extremely quiet to open a door" Soobin answered the question of Beomgyu.

"What are they doing at this time ?" Asked Yeonjun.

"They went to buy some breakfast" Beomgyu said.

"Why am I never aware..."

"She send a message on the group" the taller said. "You're sure you're ok ?"

"Yes, I'm gonna have a walk, call me when they are here"



On Yeonjun's side:

"Agh...why am I like this ?! I could have almost everyone and I have a fucking crush on someone who's clearly not even attracted to me. Well I don't really know him but I'm certainly attracted and I think the word is small. I'll try to speak with him at least."

His mind was full of thoughts like this one. Everything was turning around the brown haired boy at the moment. He was taken away from his thoughts when he heard his name.

"Yeonjun ?"

"Yunjin ?"

"You're not coming for the breakfast ?" the other girl asked.

"Yes, I'm coming but I needed a little walk"



At the same time Beomgyu was having an interrogatory from Soobin.

"So what do you like to do ? What are your hobbies ?"

"I-I don't know, I like music and fashion..."

"Do you play an instrument ?"


"Can You Sing ?"

"I think yes..."

"Could you sing now ?!"

"I-I don't think it's—"

"Stop this Soobinie ! You're overwhelming him !"

"I want to know what he likes !"

"I'm so sorry Beoms !"

"N-no problem..."

They heard the door opening...

"We're back !!!"

Before Soobin had the time to call Yeonjun, this one arrived in the kitchen.

"Oh you found them on your way ?"

"Yes...come on we are unpacking all this and taking a breakfast"

To be continued...

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