Chapter 19

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After his long week of rest at his home, Beomgyu decided to come back to school even if he didn't wanted to see anyone. Maybe just some of his friend but he wasn't sure...

"Don't forget if anything happens or you feel like you can't take staying around anyone you call me. I'll quickly get you back at the appartement and go back to work"

"Thanks hyung, but I think I'll be alright"

Well, he hopes he would be alright. The idea of his classmate asking him questions or glare at him was already making him sick.


Crossing the gate at this time of the day was giving the worst feeling Beomgyu knew. He quickly walked inside the building to attend his classes. All of his friends were here and seemed happy to see him again. Jeongin was the first to speak to him...

"How are you doing ? Better ?"

"Yeah, nothing to bad, a little bit of stress that's all"

"Great ! If there's anything ask me I'll help you without any problem"

"Thank you so much Jeongin"

"That's what friends are for"

He said with a smile

After that Beomgyu found the strength to listen to his teacher and the lessons were surprisingly fast.


As always the cafeteria was full of people and Beomgyu hated it. He decided to go take a walk to be able to find a place where he would be left alone.

When he found the perfect spot he sat on the floor with his headphones. He began to devour his meal. Since he was sick the last week he hadn't enjoy a lunch that much and was happy to finally be able to eat normally.

He was enjoying his meal when something entered his field of view...or more someone.

"Beomgyu ?"


"Please don't go I just...I want you to listen what I have to tell you—"

But as the older was ready to speak he interrupted by a voice...

"Choi Yeonjun, Choi Yunjin, Choi Beomgyu and Kim Chaewon are expected in the principals office ! Thank you"


"Hi, you four. I was asked to make a group for a little mission, it's a great opportunity to show your skills. I thought about you because you all made huge progress in controlling your power and your alchemy is really good"

Yeonjun was worry and decided to say something.

"I'm sorry but I think it would make more sense if you was taking Taehyun instead of me he is in the same class as them and they are hanging out all the time"

"I agree with you but for this mission your power will be more useful. The mission is in two days, a bus will take you not too far from the place"


Maybe he doesn't really want to talk to me anymore. He didn't seemed like he wanted to do this with us maybe it's because of me...

"Beomgyu ? Hey I can hear you think"

Yunjin interrupted hi thoughts

"Yeah sorry..."

"You know you can tell me, whatever it is"

"Yeah I just don't want to speak about it"


—two days later—

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