Chapter 7

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Yeonjun went back on the inside and seeing he was alone and starving for explanations, his sister appeared in front of him.

"So ? I think you own me some explainations !"

"Alright, but not here"

The two went to the kitchen. No one was there so it was safe.

"Im listening"

"I just saw James pouring some weird powder in the glass of your friend, obviously I went mad..."

"Where is James now ?"

"Don't know, I asked him to leave the place before I call the cops"

"Alright...I think Beomgyu will want some informations though."

"You're saying it like it was a big deal. You'll just have to give him my number"

And with this the smile of Yunjin was again on her lips.


After the intervention of Yeonjun, all of the guests went back to their discussion or activities. But Beomgyu was lost in his thought.

"So this is him, Yeonjun..."

The mind of Beomgyu was full of these kind of questions, all were coming at the same time. And while he was lost in his mind Yunjin arrived and put a hand on his shoulder what got him out of his trans.

"Are you ok ?"

"Yes, I'm ok"

She gave him a paper and whispered to his ear.

"*This is Yeonjun's number if you have any question to ask him*"

"Thank you..." the boy mumbled


Yeonjun went finaly to his friends. Soobin was a bit angry.

"What took you so long ?! What was this in the middle of the party ?!"

"Soobin, calm down, I'm sure he's going to explain everything" his sister said

Yeonjun sat down and once again told the story with the glass and why he pushed James out of the house.

"I wasn't aware he could be that shitty" Soobin said

"Me neither" Yeonjun answered he added

"I was aware he was a bad person, I mean I experimented it myself when he, as my friend, took my boyfriend away, but I never thought he was able to *drug and rape someone*" He'd whispered the last part so it wasn't making to much noise.

"How can You be so sure it was this ?" Kazuha asked

"He told me face to face"

"He didn't even hide it ?"


"We should talk the police"

"I know, but even if his family has no power here, they have a lot in the States, they could threaten us easily and win the trial..."

"How so ?"

"I heard that the knew someone who knew persons of the most powerful in Korea. It's just something I heard but I'm not sure it's worth it."

The older twin, Kazuha, turned to Yeonjun.

"Ok, listen, I'm going to make my research and try to take enough element to prouve that James has to be judged. The only thing you have to do is protecting others of these kind of bad things and report those you see to me."



Beomgyu had drink a little too much, he was half asleep and he was eyeing Yeonjun. Watching him as he was laughing and talking with his friends. That's Huening Kai this time who got him out of his thoughts.

"I'm going to the others for a moment"

Their friends all had a smirk. Knowing the reason the younger was going to the other group.

"* You don't want to go with him ? I saw you look at my brother all the discution*"

The cheeks of Beomgyu went all red...Taehyun saw that and asked...

"Are you ok Beoms ? Is it too hot in there ?"

"I'm ok..."

Taehyun went back to his discution with Heesung. And Beomgyu was taken in the one of Yunjin and Chaewon.


When Huening Kai arrived, he stole Soobin from Yeonjun. Kazuha left some seconds earlier to speak with the girls and now, Yeonjun was alone. He was drinking and drinking and drinking. And at the end all he was doing was looking at Beomgyu really intensely. Yunjin who was coming to take some drink for the table, stopped by her brother.

"As I can see you drank too much"

"Yeah maybe..."

"You know you can come to our table if you can't handle the gums"


"Why not ?"

"I could say things I would regret..."

"Ok, so what are you gonna do ?"

"Drink water and wait the alcohol to leave my body so I'm able to help you all once you won't be able to take care of yourselves"

"'re going to speak to him right ?"

"I don't know"

"You should, maybe you can become friends, or more"

"I'll see..."




As soon as Yunjin had left, Soobin and Huening Kai went to Yeonjun.

"Hueningie is tired we're gonna—"

"I won't let you leave in that state. Take my bed but don't make a mess, you can do this tomorrow in your house !"

"Thank you Junnie"

"Yeah yeah, your welcome"

After that, people began to go back to their home. Chaewon and Yunjin went to Yunjin's room. Taehyun, Heesung and Kazuha left together. They weren't really friends with Kazuha but they refused to let her alone in the street at this hour. Yeonjun greeted them and came back inside. He saw Beomgyu who was sleeping, his head on the table. He took him in his arm and posed him on one of the two sofa. The older went to take two blanket one for the brown haired and one for him. He put the blanket on the smaller. And after that he went on the other sofa getting his blanket and fell asleep.

To be continued...

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