Chapter 18

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Hi, it's so cool I saw this story was #4 yeongyu, I'm super happy about it.


Yeonjun had try everything to talk to the younger. Messages, call and he tried to catch him the other time but apparently Yiren said something so awful that he really was mad at Yeonjun.

"Wow, I've never seen you that down...what happened ?"

"Did...did Beomgyu told you something about me saying something that disgusted him ?"

"No...why are you asking ?"

"He doesn't want to talk to me anymore. I don't know why. He's ignoring me since Yiren told him something"

"What ? But I thought everything was alright between you two"

"Yes, I thought too"

"Hey listen, I'll talk to him. You didn't said anything bad right ?"

"I-No ! How could I ? He's everything I've ever dreamed of..."

"Immediately the big words..."


"Hey Beomie"


"What is happening ? Since you came back home the other day you're weird"


"You can talk about anything with me. I know sometime there are things you don't want to talk about with your family but it can be useful too"

"It's Yeonjun"

Immediately his older brother looked more worried

"I-I heard he said bad things to me and I know I didn't asked him but I don't have the strength to do it for now and I don't want him to confirm it-"

"Beomgyu !"

The younger raised his head

"Calme down, it's going to be alright"

"I just...I don't know what to do"

"I'm sure there is an explanation. To me Yeonjun seems very unlikely to say bad things to someone. And especially you"


"Let him explain himself, even if it's not now. Just don't wait to much"


For Yeonjun going to school was now awkward and unpleasant. Not that he ever genuinely liked it but since the incident with Yiren, obviously all the school was aware he liked guy too. He was having looks regularly. The students for most of them looked so chocked about the news and Yeonjun even if in the first place didn't wanted the school to knows couldn't understand the surprise of the others.

Apart from that Beomgyu didn't talked to him and it was bothering Yeonjun. He couldn't remember anything he would've said to hurt the younger and he never drank to much when he was near him so it wasn't possible he said something to him while he was drunk. Even if he hated this he had to be patient, Yunjin told him she would try to talk with him and he would still continue to try without being too bothering for the other.


"Beomgyu !"

"Yunjin ? What is it ?"

"I just wanted to talk to you. How are you feeling ? You seem pretty down"

"I...don't know if I can talk about it..."

"I see"

"But can I ask you a favour ?"

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