Chapter 15

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Hi, so for all the activities they are doing on Jeju Island, I made research on internet and all (it was kind of funny) so it's taking me a little bit more time than normally. ;)


When Yeonjun woke up he was in his bed, even if he had no memories of going back to Soobin's and his room. He went downstairs and saw Huening Kai and Soobin sweetly laughing and talking. When he saw this, he discretely came back to the room. He knew very well how much Soobin must be happy at the very moment. He was envious though. He wanted that too.

"Maybe I could try to take him on a date when we come back..."


In the room next to him, the three other were really well awake. Beomgyu was being harassed...

"Come on hyung ! Say it, Heesung and I are aware !"

"I don't know what you're talking about I said !"

"You know exactly what Im talking about !"

The oldest of the three was frustrated. So he did a thing he was really good at. Screaming...

The unusual noise that came out from his mouth aroused the curiosity of all the house and a fraction of seconds later the oldest opened the door with a bang.

"What is happening ?! Is everyone alright ?!"

"Oh, Yeonjun Hyung...sorry for that. These two demons were harassing me so I lost my temper"

"Oh, ok, don't do that again though. Not until there's a real problem. What were they bothering you with ?"

"N-nothing !"

"Ah, hyung, glad you asked, so Heesungie and I were asking Beomgyu hyung-"

"I said no-thing !"

"Oh, this is none of my business, I see. There's no problem with that. I should go take my breakfast !"

The last interaction was weird in the point of view of Beomgyu. Yeonjun seemed to be scared.

"I'll talk to you two about it tonight eventually. Let's go have our breakfast. Hueningie and Soobinie had enough time together anyway"


The breakfast was almost silent. The only person who were talking were Soobin and Huening Kai. It was impossible for these two to stop laughing and staring at each other. Taehyun lost his patience...

"Seriously ? Yeonjun hyung ? I think you should switch room with Huening Kai"

But apparently the youngest one wasn't really happy with that...

"What ?! No ! With who am I going to gossip ?! Plus, Beomgyu hyung have to tell me something tonight !"

"Oh, you too ?"

"Yes of course I'm your roommate too !"

All eyes were staring at them with curiosity excepted Beomgyu who seemed terrified.

"What do you have to tell them Beomgyu ?"

Chaewon asked

"A secret ? It doesn't implied anything about you anyway, so it's not important"

"Is it the same thing I almost walked through this morning ?"

"Y-yes, but as I said it's a secret !"

"I don't know why, but I feel like our little Beomgyu is not as innocent as we thought"

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