Chapter 6

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‼️Mention of drug‼️
‼️Bad speaking ‼️


The first to arrive at the party were Heesung, Soobin and Kazuha. Yunjin and Chaewon were all excited because Kazuha was not in their class so it was a little bit hard to see her.

"Kazuha !!!" They both shout and jumped at her

"Come on, calm down. That's not like we haven't seen each others for ten years !"

Soobin asked Yunjin if her brother was there and she answered that he was probably taking a shower before the party. As they were finished with their discution. Suddenly the two choi twins turned to Beomgyu. Soobin talked.

"Hi, I think we haven't been introduced. My name is Choi Soobin and this is my twin sister Choi Kazuha."

"It's nice to meet you, my name is Choi Beomgyu !"

"Great ! Everyone knows everyone now ?" Yunjin asked

"I don't think Beomgyu was introduced to Yeonjun" Taehyun said

"He's not worth it" the little sister of the concerned answered


After a while people began to arrive. Yunjin was greeting the guest every time there was a new one, and the other were talking at a little coffe table, sat on some pillow which were on the floor.

They were all laughing and as less students were coming, Yunjin decided to head over to her friends, before seeing her brother going down the stairs.

"Bro, you're finally here !"

"Tch, already teasing me ?"

"I wouldn't be your sister if I wasn't doing this ~"

Yeonjun couldn't really deny it. He would be really worried if his sister wasn't teasing him at least two times a day.

"Is Soobin here ?"

"Yeah, he came when you was showering."

"What ?! Why didn't you said anything ?!"

"Dunno ~"

"Well, there's a lot of people !"

"Yes ! Im quite happy about it actually. I wasn't so sure back then, I wanted to have a lot of people but—"

At this point Yeonjun wasn't listening to his sister anymore. She seems to be really proud of this and he would've like to listen to her confidence but something had caught his attention or more someone. He couldn't stare anywhere else now. The boy was just perfect at the eyes of the older Choi. He was fitting his physical criterions perfectly.

"Yeonjun ? YEONJUN !"

"What ?!" The older answered as he was suddenly taken away from his trans

"You wasn't listening to me right ?"


"What took your attention away from me like that ?"

Yeonjun became as red as a tomato. And his sister had now a smirk on her lips.

"I wasn't aware you was searching for a relationship ~"

"I'm not searching for one ! But that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the sight of one if someone is fitting my preferences."

"Who is it ?!"

"I won't tell you !"

"Oh come on ! Boy or girl ?!"


"Ah ha !"

"What ?!"

"There's only one guy you don't know here !"

Yeonjun slapped himself mentally. He was dumb enough to think that it was too little information for his sister to figure out. He forgot she knew him too well.

"You're thinking about Beomgyu ?"

"Beomgyu ? It's his name ?"

"Oh so you totally were ?!"

"Ugh...leave me alone !"

"Oh come on ~ you don't want his number ?"

"You have his number ?"

"He's my friend, dummy"

As Yunjin was giving him the number of her friend, Yeonjun someone he absolutely hated.

"You invited James ?!"

"I mean, all the school was invited..."

"Him of all people..."

"Could you not do anything for tonight ?"

"As long as he does nothing I think it should be alright."

But as he had heard the discussion, Yeonjun caught him pouring out some weird substance in his newfound crush glass. Which obviously didn't fitted with the vision Yeonjun had of "doing nothing". So the black haired went down the last two stair treads.

"Yunjin ?"

"Yes ?"

"Go take a new glass for Beomgyu"

"What ?"

"Do it !" He screamed as he was already in the crowd to go to the younger.

She didn't asked much questions and went searching another glass.

At the same time, Yeonjun was going through the people and when he arrived at the front of the table, the new student already had his glass in his hand. Yeonjun didn't think twice, he took the glass from the boy's hand and poured the entire content of it on the boy who had the audacity to take illicite things in his house.


"Do you find this funny ?" Everyone was looking at them

"What are you talking about ?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about !"

Yunjin appeared from nowhere separating them. She gave the new glass to Beomgyu who was still speechless.

"Stop it you two !"

"I'm sorry Yunjin, we're gonna talk outside..."

"No you—"

"We're just going to talk, I promise"

He handled the old glass to her

"Make sure no one drink in this one"



"What was you thinking about ?!"


"Do you even know how we call that ?!"

"Yes I know, it's to drug someone, that's how you call it."

"You're not even bothered about it !"

The boy approached his mouth to the ear of Yeonjun and began to whisper...

"No, I mean he is worth the sacrifice. I know you saw him too. You couldn't resist him right ? I know you have the same standards as me. He looked so pretty, so innocent, so touchable ~"

"Shut up..."

"Ah Yeonjun, you can't lie to me. I know you too well ! And we are alike at some point, even if I don't really like it"

"At least I'm not a piece of shit who treat people as if they were things without feelings."

"But you still want to do it, admit it. And you hate that you want it."


James stood there glaring at Yeonjun...

"I said leave this place, before I call the police"

And as he knew he was in a shitty position if the police were interviewing him, he left the place.

To be continued...

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