Chapter 11

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"Yeonjun ?"

The concern was present in the voice of the youngest sibling.

"Why are you like this ?"

"It's nothing, I'm ok"

"You just told me two lies"

"I wanted to do well but instead I messed up everything. I'm really shitty..."

"Woah, god give me my brother back please. What happened with THE Choi Yeonjun ? Is it because of a certain someone beginning with a B ?"

"Shut up ! Or I'll tell Soobin why you were so mad at him !"

"You're threatening me now ?!"

"Yeah, I mean I can do it"

"Let me play too in that case, because I know someone who would love to know what you really think about him"

"You wouldn't dare"

"Believe me I would"


"So ? Split it out"

"The other day when Beomgyu "disappeared" I was with him. I wanted to make him feel less shitty about himself, but I just ended shouting..."

"Ugh, your so dumb..."

"You're not even angry that I lied ?"

"It was obvious you were with him. When you spoke to me, there was not even a hint of stress in your voice. I know that when you really love people in any way it can be, you automatically become really nervous when they are absent.

"I guess so..."

"By the way, you better solve this problem !"


Let's do it like that:

Yunjin🐍 added Junie🦊
Yunjin🐍 added Zuha🦢
Yunjin🐍 added Soobunny🐰
Yunjin🐍 added Hueningie🐧
Yunjin🐍 added Sungie🦌


That's a lot of people, are you planning something ?


Yeonjun and me had an idea !


We are listening


I'll let you explain bro !


So, since our parents have a house on Jeju island, we were thinking it would be great to go there all of us for the autumn holidays. You have time to think about it, we are proposing now on purpose.


Is it even big enough for all of us ?


We have enough beds if that's the question. We'll have to do some groups to have enough rooms.


Do I really need to say that I'm coming ?


Well I think you already did it


Your reaction was perfect @Zuha🦢


Thank you ! By the way, I think Soobin and I are going to talk about it but it should be ok.


I'm here if Soobin hyung is coming, as always.


I have nothing else to do


Me neither


When Beomgyu was about to answer he heard his brother coming in brutally.

"Are you alright ?"

"Yeah, it was beginning to rain heavily"

"Ok, how was your day ?"

"Great, my coworker are really nice. Even if sometime it's really stressing, the ambiance is nice."

"It's great to know !"

"Yeah, hum...I'm sorry for the autumn holidays but I'm taking some days with my friends. I won't be here."

"Oh actually I wanted to ask you if I could go on Jeju island. Some of my friends have parents that have a house there and they asked if we wanted to spend the holidays there."

"It's ok for me. But I'm going to be on your back until you leave. Because I'm too worried for my lil brother !"

"Ugh...let me go hyung !"


Let's do it like that:


I'm coming too, my brother won't be at home too, so I won't miss anything.


That's great ! I'm waiting for your answer @Soobunny🐰.


We are coming too !


Ok, I will give you more information soon !


"Are you planning on apologising on holidays ?"

"No, of course not, I'll do it on Wednesday but I plan on learning about him more during the holidays."

"Mh I see"

"Don't try to do things for me. I can do it on my own. I don't want you to go through my business"

"Ok, ok, I'll let you. But I'm here if you need anything"

"I know that"

"Great !"

To be continued...

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